Chapter 7: Poison?

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After hearing what taehyung said you started wondering if the other princes also had someone special in their life already... especially jimin since he showed more of the bitter side to you. You decided to go back to the buffet area with taehyung since you felt quite dehydrated. Going back to the area you caught eye to eye contact with jimin again but this time he was less... scary. You saw a big bowl with a purple drink which you think was grape juice... without hesitation you quickly got a cup and poured in some of the drink ,when you were about to drink 2 tall men approached you.

"Well...well...well... look what we have here" as the guy with brown here styled up to see his forehead perfectly ,came to you along with a guy that looks the same as him but not quite he had dark hair and eyes smaller than his. One of the guys went to get some food because he went to your back... or so that's what you thought. The guy in front of you grabbed your chin and moved it side to side.

"Can't say you aren't beautiful princess..." he said. You got out of his touch moving your head to the side and glared at him.

"What do you want? Who are you?" You asked him. He looked at the guy at the back and nodded at him ,you found it odd but you wanted for his him answer to your question instead so you did not bother to check what the other guy was doing.

"Oh... princess sorry I don't think I have time left for you... catch you soon" he said leaving and winking at you.

You found it quite weird for those men to come to you ,they definitely look like rich people ,were they princes? You shook your head and drank the drink you longed for since awhile ago.


I looked at Y/N and taehyung who was happily dancing together. I can't help but envy them. I also wanted to be in Y/N's touch and dance with the beautiful woman she is. I'm afraid that because of the bad image I've shown her she won't like me anymore. I saw how taehyung was smiling and smirking at her all the time and how he went closer to her ears and her reaction was wide open of her eyes. I clench my jaw and balled my fist. I tried holding in my feelings. I also don't know why I feel this way for her. She has this aura and effect on me and she doesn't even know. She would take small glances at me and it would immediately make my heart excited.

She made me feel loved...

I did not want to make a full of my self in Y/N liking me back in any way. I asked the boys to go to the dancing area and have fun which they all surprisingly agreed to leaving Y/N at the food area.


Time passed the Princes were dancing at the middle and looked like drunk people... actually they don't look like one because they really are drunk. Then... your head started to ache so did your stomach. You stood straight trying to shake of the pain but it started to hurt more and weakened your feet making you hold the side of the buffet table to keep balance. You wanted to go to the bathroom so you went to the princes that were partying hard...

"Prince Hoseok..." while tapping his shoulder and the others noticing you.

"Y/N!!! Come party with us!" He said loud and still dancing his hips side to side... yup he is drunk.

"I'll just be at the bathroom for a moment ok?" You said. Then you started to feel like you wanted to throw up ,so without even looking at the princes you quickly left the princes behind to find the nearest bathroom.


Y/N was just chillin in the buffet counter until I saw her rubbing her head and her stomach to what it looks like a headache and stomachache? She tried standing up straight but she couldn't ,we caught contact with our eyes and I immediately looked away. Little did I know she was already beside us as she taps hoseok but nothing to say but to go to the bathroom... what is she a five year old? I chuckled a bit and look away but immediately looked back as she ran away ,I guess I was the only one who saw her running away leaving us behind. After a few minutes passed Y/N isn't back yet. I tried to remember what happened before she left... It was weird... she looked sick... without hesitation I quickly ran to the closest bathroom to ,find her...

Touched by two men.

I clenched my fist as I went to the two boys who were touching and talking to her with full of lust in their faces. As I grabbed one of their shoulders I did not think twice but to punch him in the face. He fell on the floor and the other guy tried to punch me and I dodged him and punched his stomach making him groan in pain. I looked at Y/N who were in tears and almost unconscious at the moment ,I looked back to see the guys slowly escaping the scene.

"BETTER RUN FAR AWAY!! Or ILL KILL YOU THE NEXT TIME I SEE YOU!" I shouted at them as they ran to wherever the hallway takes them to.

I quickly went closer to Y/N who looked at me with her glossy eyes from tears and... hugged her. I did not know what I did but there's just something that made me do it. I quickly got off the hug and asked her if she was alright ,she just nodded ,I held both her shoulders assisting her to stand up. Back to the party was Y/N still shaking from fear I hugged her tighter to make sure she knows I'm there for her.

"Where are the others?" I asked one of our chaperone

"Oh! Prince! And Princess! There you are the other Prince went home because they said they were tired." He said. I just nodded and told him to get my car. I told Y/N that I'll take her home instead.


You found the bathroom and quickly ran to a open cubicle and threw up... you were confused because you definitely know you did not drink any alcohol awhile ago. As you finish vomiting you got out and washed your face and hands. You got out of the bathroom and quickly another strike of headache came. Making you groan in pain. Then cold hands touch your arm...

"Princess! Are you okay?" He said your vision was quite blurry from the headache so you just nodded and tried to walk back to the party ,but he held your arms pulling you back ,you glared at him and finally your eyes focused at who he was... he was the same guy awhile ago in the buffet area. You rolled your eyes and tried to walk back again but he pulled you harder this time that made you hit the wall. You groan in pain as he utter the words...

"Wanna play with me princess?" He said while putting a finger at the side of your face going down. You can't do anything at the moment because of the upcoming stomach and headaches. He looked at you and chuckled a bit. You looked up to see him laughing at you.

"Does it hurt princess?... my friend over here ,might've put something on your drink awhile ago..." he said making your eyes grow bigger.

"How could yo-" another headache strike making you groan in more pain.

"I'll help you princess..." as he looks at you with lust in his eyes ,and his hands slowly trail above your hips. You wanted to run away but you can't because the continuous headaches and stomachaches kept coming. Until... a man with blondish here came and started punching the boys who threatened to rape you awhile ago. You sat down in shock at what happened awhile ago. How can they possibly do this to a innocent girl? Then the blondish guy came to you and asked if you were alright ,you just nodded . First your eyes can't focus on who he was because of the tears filled with it but then you get to see who it was... surprisingly it was jimin. He then hugged you... how can he help me and hug me? Why is he like this? You were shock at the action jimin has done towards you... it felt soothing and different. He got you up and asked one of the guards who was waiting for him

"Prince Jimin and Princess Y/N there you are ,the other Princes went back home already" He said.

You left the palace as quickly as possible ,he lets you in the car first still shaking ,you then fell asleep in the car and after a while you felt something soft around your neck was wrapped... it felt warm and comforting so you checked... but it was just jimins arm... you looked at his arm then his face who was also asleep in the cutest way...

How can a guy so rude to me ,be this cute?

So for a moment I had writers block😂 it was annoying. The chapter is average  but I wanted to give this weeks update already :)

I'm making another fanfiction and it's jimin again💕 it's not an xreader though but it's fantasy so if you like those kinds of books please support it!! Don't worry I'm planning on doing stories with all the members :)

Merry Christmas and a happy new year guys!!

Xoxo Author


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