Chapter Three: A New School

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"Have a wonderful first day sweetie", my mom says cheerfully as I walk toward the front door following my dad. If I could only be that enthusiastic about today.

"Thanks mom". "I will also be getting you from school today, Isabella". "Okay, mom see you later", I gave her a slight wave. On our way to school my dad breaks the silence.

"The shop said they will be another week delay at least, until the gets car here" my dad speaks up. Turning my head to look at him, he probably thought I was caught off guard to what he had said because he didn't give me a chance to respond.

"Brand--, "I know", I said cutting him off. "I know, dad, what you mean, giving him a half smile feeling bad that I didn't let him finish.

But being emotional especially today is the last thing I want. I know my parents are handling it a lot better, then I am, hell given the previous circumstances I KNOW they handled and are doing a lot better then what they truly felt.

But then again, I guess that's what it's like being an adult, no matter how hard or shitty the situation is you just had to suck it up and be stronger for the sake of others.

That's exactly what my parents had to do, and for that I love and admire them even more.

"So in the mean while your mom and myself will be car-pooling you, and also its a chance for you to get use to the areas and routes of the road". "Thanks dad, I gave him a small smile.

"Well, we're here". I looked around to see we were parked right outside a school building. From what it looks like it certainly doesn't look small from what I imagined. Still staring, I heard my father clear his throat.

"So as I feel it's only a fatherly thing to do to walk you inside and make sure you okay... your mother gave me strict orders and I quote not to "embarrass you". She knows how much you hate been attention drawn to you so, but I could, walk you, if you would like", he said quickly.

I gave a small laugh, as to how nervous he is getting, even though my mother is nowhere near our presences.

"It's okay, dad I appreciate it as much as I would actually love for you to walk me in, I think I should get back into the swing of things. "That's my girl, he smiled proudly and gave me a side hug and kissed me on my head". "I'll see you later honey, oh and your mother also mentioned that you need to go into the office first. To collect your schedules and what not". "I will do that, I said nodding". "Bye dad", giving him a slight smile. "Bye sweetie".

Walking through the doors it's a rush of people going in all different directions. I was determined not to get run over by the mob of teenagers in front of me. Giving up, after hearing what I assumed was the bell. I hurried over to the nearest person, which turned out to be brunette with the biggest smile I have ever seen. She must be really excited for school. "Hi, could you please tell me in which direction I would find the main office?" I said in a self-conscious way. "Yeah", she said while still smiling. "Just go straight down the hall make a right and then the first left, you'll find it." "Thank you", I said.

Within no time I had my school planner, time table for classes and everything you need as a new student at a new school. Here comes the dreadful part stepping into class late and being stared at. Yippee.


"Why hello you must be the new student; Isabella is it"? "Yes sir", I gave him a small smile. No doubt this teacher must be the eldest out of the lot "Mr Harrison, please to meet you", the white haired teacher said while shaking my hand. 

"I'll be your History teacher". Have a seat and we'll continue with the lesson, girls and boys please be accommodating to Isabella here, I trust that you guide and help her with whatever she needs, ---"I can totally see to her needs Mr Harrison", a voice from the back echoed.

 A few laughs from the back were heard. "NOW, Mr Evens that was completely uncalled for, I'm positive that you wouldn't want to be called into the principal's office on the very first day, would you Mr Evans? A muffled "No", was heard. "I beg your pardon?"

 "No, I would not, Mr Harrison". "Good to know, Mr Evans from what I heard you are treading on very thin ice, I highly suggest you stay out of trouble." Mr Harrison gave him a knowing look.

 "Where were we", averting his gaze back to me. "Whether you share classes with Miss Kingman or just passing by in the hall, be helpful and polite. "Everyone understood"? "Yes, Mr Harrison", the class chorus together. "Very well, let's continue".

According to the time table after the four lengthy periods I just had, its lunch. Shutting my locker, in hopes of finding the cafeteria two girls approaches me with smile.

"Hi, sorry to bother I'm Kate", the golden blonde introduced "and this is Abby", she pointed to a red haired girl beside her who gave a slight wave.

"I know this is super random, but I was actually supposed to take you on the school tour this morning, but I was running extremely late hence why it never happened.

"I looked at her like she just had spoken another language. "I'm sorry about that, I could still show you around today, sometime today if you'd like?

I must have zoned out because she looked confused and said, "Are you not? Isabella Kingman?" "No, I mean yes, sorry yes I am Isabella." "Oh, good I thought I had the wrong student, Ms Davis did not inform you? That I'll be showing you around?" "Who?" "Ms Dav--- the secretary? "Oh", trying to recall what the sweet women behind the desk informed me about this morning. "Uhm, oh yeah she mentioned something incoherent about a Katie, I wasn't too sure what she meant though."

"Well, I'm the 'Katie' she was referring to", she said while laughing. "Well, Abby and I are more than happy if you'd like to join us for lunch, and then could show you around when you ready?"

"At least try and make friends honey, the quicker you try and settle in the better" my mom's words rang crystal clearly in my ears. "Sure, lead the way." "Great, Kate smiled. I just hope getting involved with people on the first day is a good idea, last thing I want is drama.      

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**Picture of Kate and Abby**

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2018 ⏰

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