Chapter 1

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"Oh no I'm late for school AGAIN!!!" A grey eyed girl screeched as she jumped out of her comfy bed dashing to the bathroom. One look in the mirror and she snorted,"someone woke up with a case of sexy."Her chestnut curly hair was at odd angels and her eyes red. Quickly, she washed her face and brushed her shoulder length hair best she could. She settled for her normal outfit,blue and black t-shirt,a black hoodie,and grey leggings. She grabbed a pair of white vans and put them on.

"Katriel your late!!!AGAIN! What's your alarm for if you never use it." Katriel's mother yelled as she grabbed her purse downstairs."Sorry ma'!!!" She yelled back as she raced down the stares. "Can I have a ride?the bus must have left."She begged her mother as she took her black bag back off the couch. "Sorry honey just cause your late doesn't mean I have to be too." Chuckling,the black and white haired lady  waved goodbye to her daughter as she jogged out in high heels making Katriel groan.

Taking a deep breath breath, she began to run to school. Fun fact about Katriel,she wasn't the greatest athlete. But she did know how to run,when she had the right motivation.. Hamilton High was 30 minute walk. So,by running as fast as she could,she took 13 minutes. New record! Unfortunately by the time she got there she was still 5 minutes late.

Not to mention breathless and slightly sweaty. Jogging to her class,she forced oxygen in her lungs. "Dang..." Katriel wheezed as she stood outside her class. She opened the door and the teacher automatically turned to her as did the rest of the class.
"Renalz,what is it this time?" The middle aged woman boredly asked putting down her white bored marker. The class chuckled as she sighed,"th-the alarm didn't wake me-sorry ma'am for being late."

"3rd time this week, detention. Sit." Mrs. Needala  said making the class chuckle and Katriel sigh. Without her complaining she took her window seat in the middle row. That's were you could see the whole class,it entertained her slightly. Plus,she liked the cool breeze.Katriel opened her notebook and began taking notes along side her doodles.

With her mind preoccupied, she barely noticed there was a knock and a student walking in. He was tall, and well built. He had Raven black hair in a just woke up look,but,it was quite nice,but his eyes,those were what intrigued her most,his right eye was ocean blue and his left was a strange mix of blue and brown,beautiful.

He was a good looking human being she had to admit all the more reason for her to go back to doodling before she stared too long.

Katriel couldn't help but cringe as she heard the murmurs began that she new all too well. "Who are you?" Mrs. Needala asked. "I'm Jace Holan. I'm new here. My apologies for being late I don't know my way around." His accent was foreign but nice to hear as far as Katriel could judge. "No problem then,take a seat, I'll get someone to show you around,nobody is to be late for my class."

"Unless your Katriel Ofcourse." Someone commented making the girl in question shrink in her seat as the class laughed. 'Great...' Katriel sighed as she continued to doodle. Jace raised an eyebrow and took an empty seat beside the Katriel character.

The laughter died down and the teacher continued with the lesson.

The time couldn't pass any slower in Katriel's opinion.

She kept sneaking glances at the new kid as she drew a sketch of him. Luckily, he didn't seem to notice but when it sank in that she was looking at him let alone drawing him without his knowledge she hit her forehead with her knuckles.

Unfortunately, the new kid saw her and furrowed his eyebrows making her shrink in her seat a bit more feeling more than a little embarrassed.

When the bell finally did ring Katriel couldn't be more great full. That was until she heard,"Renalz, Holan,here please." Mrs. Needala's voice stopped Katriel as she was half way to the door.

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