Chapter 19

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Jace's POV
They pulled up by the meeting area which was a hotel Luca rented out.

They parked next to the other cars that were already there. The security was tight. Guards dressed in black suits,white ear blue tooth pieces,built,wearing black glasses and a no nonsense look on their face,very stereotypical. Jace led them into the hotel passing the two body guards that manned the door.

"Wow."Katriel whispered looking at the hallway. It was classy,chandeliers on the ceiling,framed pictures on the walls. Beautiful wallpaper on the walls,a red and blue carpet covering the wooden floors.

Guards were patrolling the halls giving the group a few nods of respect. They took an elevator up to the 4th floor,which was were the meeting was to take place. The elevator music sucked. Immediately it started playing they all shared similar groans. Except Katriel that hummed along.

"You're taste in music is as bad as your taste in fashion."Sam said smirking at her.

"We're wearing the same outfit genius!"Katriel deadpanned crossing her arms. Rick and Jace gave each other bored looks.

Luckily before they can argue up a storm the elevator doors opened reviling the 4th floor. "Cmon guys knock it off."Jace instructed as they exited the elevator and into the hallway. It led towards a sliding door at the end of it. Rick slid it open allowing them all to enter before him.

Their was a long table in the very middle of the large room that stretched out from the left of the room to the right. At the very end was Luca,adorned in a suit smoking a cigarette. The table was almost full. To Luca's left was 4 men then 4 young men,Jace knew them by name and by personality,indulged in conversation,which stopped immediately they walked in.

"Boys,how nice of you to join us,Katriel."Luca greeted them gesturing for them to set to his right,Jace to his immediate right then,Rick,Sam,Peter,Victor,Tyler then Katriel. Luca suddenly did a double take,and raised an eyebrow. Sam and Katriel both frowned on realizing he was looking at their identical outfits. Sam opened his mouth to excuse himself but Luca raised a hand to stop,"I don't need to know." A sigh escaped from Sam as he and Katriel slouched into their seats,embarrassed and in sync. Which,made it all the more sad for them.

A few minutes later another group entered the room occupying the empty seats. The group was mixed,2 males and 4 females.

"Let the meeting begin."Luca said pressing a button to his left. The blinds immediately closing,darkness flooding the room. Luca stood from his seat holding a small remote,turning to the tv screen behind him.

"In two weeks,we are going to meet up with Ricco and his men. So,prepare,in case anything goes wrong,which it obviously will." The way he said confirmed Jace's suspicion that he was about to talk about Ricco's recent strategies.

He was right.

Luca pulled up a picture of Ricco and his men entering a certain building similar to the one they were currently in.

"We all know we have borders,it distinguishes the territories that we own,what we are fighting for, what's there's and the no man's land.Currently we obtained the eastern side that was recently handed to us in exchange for Diaz and his gang. It is obvious, Ricco wasn't pleased about giving it up so he'll be more on his toes,strike harder. Which is why,Jace,Paco,you and your crews will be headed out to the Eastern for 2 days,settle some deals,get rid of any of Ricco's men you find."

From the corner of Jace's eye,he could see Tyler shift uncomfortable in his seat. Jace smirked knowing very well why he wouldn't want to be on a two day assignment with Paco's crew. Luca continued to talk about some other important things like a few shipments that were coming in later along with an illegal shipment of heavy guns.

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