Chapter 23

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Jace's POV

"Let's go guys,time to leave." Jace shouted as he put his gun on the waistband of his blue jeans. He was practically the only punctual one among them. They had to check out the drug ring.Luca said the owner could be a potential ally. He was well known for mostly being insane. All that alcohol does that to you.

Few minutes later they all assembled outside the suit door. Some looking more rested than others,he expected Tyler to be having a wicked hangover,but that wasn't exactly the case he looked like he just had a mild one. Which was probably thanx to Katriel.

As they all stepped into the elevator,he started explaining their agenda for the day.
"Ok,we are headed to the drug ring headed by Richard Lancaster. We see if he wants to be an ally,make some deals. " As the last word rolled of his tongue the elevator doors parted allowing the group to head to their vehicles.

"What is Paco's crew gonna do?"Rick asked as Jace started the car and sped off,the others right on their tails. "Probably to hell princes' place.But we also have to talk to him too,after this."

"Rick,give Katriel a gun will ya."Jace wasn't about to let Katriel enter a drug ring without any protection,he wasn't crazy. "Sure."Rick removed a simple loaded hand gun and gave to her. She looked a bit uncomfortable,"where do I put it?"
"Waist band of your jeans,the minute something goes wrong,take it out quick and then you point it at the person who isn't us."Jace instructed,tightening his grip on the wheel,'nothing will go wrong.' Wait,did she even know how to shoot? Luckily,Rick voiced his concerns.

"Do you know how to use it?"

"Yup,I've watched tones of movies."

Rick and Jace gave her identical incredulous looks through the rear view mirror, Rick the first to speak,"she's kidding right?"
"Honestly I can't tell anymore." Jace told him with a shrug.

"I'm kidding! My mom taught me how,bend your knees,hold it tight,release the safety and fire right? My mom let me shoot bottles,"he could see her proud smirk from his rear view mirror. She was right as rain, Rick nodded,telling her she was right.

A few minutes later they pulled up at a pub,it might have been early in the morning,but it was still running. Jace got out first,surveying the area. Two bouncers at the main entrance,a few drunk people walking about,the smell of alcohol and smoke tinting the fresh air,it was definitely the place.

They all approached the main entrance,and as planned,they were expecting them.

"The boss has been waiting for your arrival,the lady inside will direct you." The first bouncer opened for them the door,letting them in. Jace gave him a firm nod before walking in. As the bouncer had said a lady in a rather tight velvet red dress that showed her curves approached them,her green eyes twinkled as she run a hand through her red hair. "I am Irisa,please,follow me,"

She led them to the back of the club,to a silver door. She knocked 3 times,paused,then knocked again. A grunt was heard from the other side and the door opened revealing a dim lit,but rather large room. "Come."a gruff voice beckoned them and with no hesitation,Jace walked in first,the others right behind him. They passed heavily armed men that were guarding the door.The owner of the voice was seated at a gambling table,a cigar in his mouth and a bottle of whiskey to his left.

Jace identified him as Richard Lancaster,the man who cannot get your name right to save his life. "Please sit." Richard gestured to the seats before them which they great fully took.

Jace's voice was void of emotion and rich in command,"Mr.Lancaster you know why we're here don't you?"

"Of course Chase, to be allies."he poured himself a glass of the wine before taking a sip. Jace resisted the urge to roll his eyes. But,the man even got Luca's name wrong,wasn't worth arguing.
"Oh,how rude of me,Ira,get these fine gentlemen glasses. Pour for them some of this amazing whiskey," It was like a law for people to drink if he was drinking.

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