Chapter 22

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Jace's POV
Jace,even though he wouldn't admit it,was concerned. Ever since dinner Katriel seemed to be...out of it. Like she wasn't even there,she was worrying him. It wasn't her usual 'I'm in Lalaland,I'll be back in a few' that was completely different. If she was in Lalaland she would have a far away look and bite her pinky,he didn't know why but he got acquainted with the look. This definitely wasn't it,she looked...disturbed.

At the moment,he was in his shared room about to sleep,everyone was,except Tyler,he had informed them that he would be getting their later-much later. Doing what?Jace had a good idea but he didn't need to confirm it. He was about to sit on the bed when he suddenly got out of the room and found himself in front of Katriel's door.

He sighed before knocking on her door and stood back,waiting for her to answer. When the door did open,he heard music,the same time he saw her. She looked up at him with a smile,"Hey Jace,what's up?" He observed her outfit,a baggy shirt and basketball shorts,similar to his but he had a hoodie.

"Can I come in?" He asked as he shoved his hands in his pocket. It took a while for her to answer but she eventually nodded,"Yeah,sure,of course."
She stepped aside,letting him walk through the door as she closed it behind her.

Apparently she had put away her stuff,her room was pretty tidy. "Please sit."She gestured to her bed,and grabbed her phone. Which he realized was the source of the music,it was actually not bad.
    "Sorry,I was just,checking up on my mom,thanks for linking up the camera there to my phone by the way." She held up her phone,and as she said,it was a live video of Amelia on the hospital bed. "It was no problem,is the music coming from there?"

"Oh,yea,I put her favorite music for her,she loves Ed sheeren...I thought she would wake up if she listened to it..." She trailed off,her sad eyes making his heart wrench in his chest.

He decided to change the topic,"what song is this?"

"Perfect,wanna hear the full thing,it's amazing," she gushed and,not really waiting for a reply she rewinded the song. Then, she put the phone down and stood up.(songs up there if ya want to listen...)
    "Dance with me?" She put her hand out for him to take,he looked at her hand before shaking his head. "I rather just listen."

"Cmon,please?Dont be afraid. It's just lil old me." He rolled his eyes but non the less complied.

He stood and shrugged as she started to sway from side to side,her features calm.
"Don't be shy,dance." She took his hand,making him sway with her.

"I am a trained assassin,I'm a gang leader,and so much more,I don't dance-I don't even know how..."he mumbled the last part making Katriel laugh,"it's alright,neither do I." He smiled at that,and moved his feet from side to side,matching her movements.
"you stepped on my foot..." He hissed as he felt his foot throb slightly as she blushed,"that means I'm trying."

He simply huffed as he spun her,hearing her giggle. "Ready?I'm going to dip you."she said,trying to suppress a laugh as he screwed up his face,"let's see you try."

Katriel laughed as he held onto her neck,while she wrapped her arms around his waist and attempted to dip him. She barely held him for a second,before he fell out of her hands,dragging her with him. They both burst into fits of laughter as they laid on the floor. Jace was the first to stand up,"cmon,songs not over..."

She smiled and took his hand,him,lifting her up. They began to dance,his hand in hers while the other rested on her waist. Katriel's other hand was on his shoulder. And they just,waddled around,not really dancing,but,it was good enough for them.
   She began to hum along,looking deep into his eyes. He decided to sing along,"dancing in the dark,you between my arms,barefoot on the grass,listening to our favorite song."Truthfully,he had heard the song,but,mostly that part.

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