Chapter 3

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Katriel POV
Did Katriel ever mention she was sometimes bullied?well,she was,but,she was just thankful it wasn't physical,mostly. She did Felix homework from time to time so that he doesn't lay a hand on her. That was so much better to her.

However she would also gain by writing ridiculous stuff on his reports,teachers would think he's mentally disturbed or plain out disturbed but at the same time get a subtle grade, B, mostly. It didn't matter cause he never checked the actual report,just the grade.

However,her days were numbered,he had just confronted her about what she had done,how? His teacher wanted him to go for counseling after reading his report even though he got a B+!! Katriel was doomed.

She was great full Jace saved her ass,but it was merely a delay..."what happened?"Katriel snapped out of her thoughts as Jace looked at her in the eyes she opened her mouth but nothing came out. She snapped her mouth shut and took a deep breath. "Nothing,"she mumbled with a weak smile.Jace frowned but left it alone,it simply wasn't his place.

He looked at her one more time,seeming to contemplate something. After a while he sighed heavily,"wanna jog the rest with me?" Katriel,beside herself,gave a small smile and nodded.

"Of course,who would pass up a chance to show of my incredible running skills." Jace simply shook his head slightly amused.

They jogged at the same speed,but Katriel was getting kinda tired by the third lap however,she, didn't let it show. To her surprise,Jace looked fine,like he was taking a freaking stroll. By the 4th lap most people had stopped and Katriel's legs were on fire..

On 6th lap it was only Jace,Katriel, and 2 other students. Everyone else was DONE. Katriel was about ready to pass out but tried to keep up."Let's take a break." Jace said stopping. Katriel hunched over to catch her breath,"sure....I mean....I'm-fine-but if need to-it's cool." She wheezed between heavy intakes of breath.

Jace cracked a smile,"ok,how about another lap." Katriel almost doubled over," can't be serious,I need to start taking whatever you do."her breathing was finally calming down but she was sure her legs were giving up.

"It's called being in shape."He said with amusement laced in his voice which made her smile slightly.

"I'm in shape!...kinda,"she breathed as coach came and clapped sarcastically,"jeez you kids are lazy asses.So much for your generation..." He sighed and dismissed them for the rest of the class much to everyone's relief.
"See you in a few! I'm gonna change,you should too. Don't get lost." Katriel offered him a playful small smile walking away from him.

She approached her locker dodging all the clicks that seemed to chuckle as she passed like the plague...cause to her,they were.She groaned as she starred at her locker a new sticker on it,'WIERDO!' Katriel ripped it off,her face neutral as she heard giggles from the other girls. Katriel tore it in routine and tossed it in the trash with mastered aim. Every day someone would put up a new sticker telling her how weird,how unloved,how friendless,she was and everyday she'd rip it off,take a marker and write the opposite inside her locker. Just like her mother told her to do.

That day was no exception,she took out her red marker and wrote,"unique " at the side sighing. "Sticks and stones can break my bones but words....can break your soul." So she tried her best to tell herself the opposite,she didn't want a broken soul.

Shaking her head,she quickly changed not putting on the hoodie and stuffed it in her in her bag due to the heat. Katriel took her bag and walked back to the gym. Jace was already there.

. His eyes locked with hers and she couldn't help but give him a small smile as she walked over to him,"It's lunch..wanna go?"she asked, Jace hesitated before nodding. Katriel offered a small smile and walked beside him as they walked down the hall. Sure they received odd looks. Girls glared. Others just seem to think Jace was lost or in danger. She hated that,but,she ignored it.Surprisingly, he didn't seem to mind,or maybe he didn't notice, if he noticed he didn't show it.

"How's the food here?" he asked catching her off guard,"oh,it's like prison food,but we're paying for it,...joking,it's not all bad,there are 3 sections, good,meh and bleh. Good is expensive so I just carry Nutella in like a small jar and get an apple." She thought it was a healthy 50/50 situation. "Great." He said sarcastically as they walked into the hall. Of course they attracted stares but she didn't really care.

. Katriel grabbed an apple and paid handing the lunch lady that was always super nice to her an extra 5$ making the lady smile sweetly.She watched Jace take a burger,fries and soda. He also took a frosted muffin making her tilt her head slightly,"Jace,you took the good stuff,that's expensive,as in rip off expensive." Jace cracked a smile,"it's alright I got it,beside I'm hungry." As she tossed the apple around in the air she gave him a skeptical look as he took out 30 dollars.

Katriel had thought he wouldn't be able to afford it. She sighed,removing some money from her pocket without Jace seeing and she handed the cafeteria lady 25 dollars and discretely nodded her head at Jace who was taking out his money. The lady nodded in understanding as Jace finally asked for the amount,"35$"Jace scrunched his eyebrows before handing her 35$.

"Thought you said it was total a rip off." It probably was because he bought crazy expensive stuff.He said frowning as he walked,before he could answer,a few students walked up to them,the queen bee leading them. "Jace!how nice,come join us there's space on our table." Katriel bit her lower,'....well,it was nice while it lasted.'she mentally sighed,staring at her apple.

He rolled his eyes when suddenly his eyes landed on Andres' and he squared his shoulders before looking back at the queen bee,then proceeded to let out a frustrated sigh,"sure." He growled making the girls giggle and some of the guys roll their eyes.

"Great,guide girl can go." She said mockingly. Katriel didn't feel like arguing so she just turned and left to the outside court.

"Can't say I'm shocked...can't say I'm not disappointed..."she whispered as she sat underneath a tree,her tree, she called it Pond.Katriel took a bite out of her apple and sighed.she really thought Jace would be good company,oh well,the day is still young,it's just lunch.

Her thoughts were interrupted when she looked up and saw Felix a few seconds away,his eyes locked on her,a cruel smile on his face,'apple sauce and gravy mushrooms I'm doomed.'she thought grimly before taking another bit of her apple,she wasn't dying before finishing her apple,she paid for it!

She scrambled off the ground as Felix approached her,"Hello Felix. How are you? Would you like an apple? Free of has bite marks but ignore them. In exchange,you leave me alone. Sounds good?"

Felix cracked his fingers ,the cruel smirk never leaving his face. "Your gonna pay for what you did."

"Money is a bit tight but sure name your price,anything under 100 dollars,but,remove a zero.....,or two."She backed up against the tree as he continued to approach her. She couldn't run,her legs were shaking like a chihuahua.

Felix sweep kicked her causing her to hit the ground with a thud. The wind got knocked out of her lungs. "Say something now."he growled before kicking her right in her gut. She wheezed as she closed her eyes shut. "Speak bitch."he glared down at the girl before delivering another swift kick to the same spot.

"Try what you did again and I won't be so merciful."he spat before giving her another kick and leaving. People merely stared,but when he looked their way they would turn away quick.

Nobody wanted to be on Felix bad side,that would make you end up in the position Katriel was in. That's why no one helped her. Why a few only gave her pitiful looks. However,the pain in her stomach was burning. She hugged her stomach,breathing heavily,not wanting to shed a tear.

Thanks for reading,u know what to do amigos.

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