Chapter 14

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Katriel's POV
"Mom!YOUR OKAY!!" Katriel run,tear eyed to her mother who was dressed in a white gown,same as Katriel was. Her mother gave her child a wide smile. Amelia's eyes were filled with tears,"my sweet little girl." With that she embraced Katriel. As Katriel clanged onto her mother like a life line,she shut her eyes tight,tears flowing freely.

When Katriel let go she suddenly had a panicked expression,"Mom,we gotta move. And-I'm sorry I never warned you earlier about Andres-I'm sorry I put you in harms way-but,don't worry,we can get away from this place,you always wanted to go to Paris right!?-" Katriel's rumble was cut off by her mom's sad sigh while brushing her daughters untamed hair aside.

"I'm so sorry honey but,we can't do that." Amelia said,her voice breaking slightly. "Why not mom..."Katriel frowned not understanding why her mom wouldn't want to.

             "Honey,look at our hands." Amelia gestured to their intertwined hands. "What's the problem?THIS IS GREAT!!"Katriel squealed realizing she was not in any kind of pain,she was comfortable in fact,which was strange since she had no gloves.Amelia let a few tears drop,"honey,this isn't real."

"What?" Katriel whispered finally taking in the shining white scenery of their surroundings. "Mom,what's going on?"

"We are,in what people call,the space in between." Amelia explained taking in a deep breath. "What's that?"

"It's when people are not dead,but,they aren't alive,they are simply waiting for any of the two pull them,either to death or return to the living."

"Let's go back then! We r going back right!?" Katriel panicked slightly when Amelia gave her a sad smile.


"I'm sorry baby,it doesn't work that way."

"We can make it work! We can try,I can't loose you,death will NOT do as part!"

Amelia sighed,smiling as she embraced her strong willed girl once more,loving the hug that she had waited for for years.

"I love you so much. Promise me you won't change no matter what happens.Stay the way you are and be happy."

Katriel was about to protest when she felt a strong tug ripping her from her mom only to catch her by her arm.

"MOM!WHATS HAPPENING!" Katriel yelled hanging onto her mom tight. "It's going to be okay sweetie,Just promise me Katriel,Please."

Katriel's grip was slipping,she didn't have a choice,"I promise mom!I LOVE YOU!" She chocked when her grip finally slipped completely and the last glimpse she had of her mom was of her beautiful,radiant,tear stricken yet,smiling face.

"Mom!"Katriel jerked awake but not before feeling a stinging sensation in her abdomen making her groan in pain.

A hand gently pushed her back on the bed."Stay down,you'll pull your stitches." That voice,was it really him!?"Jace?"

"I'm here." His voice was soothing,gentle making her relax slightly. "Jace,how's my mom?"

The longer the silence lasted the more she felt tears sting her grey eyes. "Jace,please?" Her eyes locked with his,but she couldn't read them. Maybe it was the fact the tears made her vision blurry,or he just,didn't want to show them,she betted on the latter.

"She's in a coma,doctors think if she doesn't wake up in a months,she won't wake up at all." Katriel let his words sink in,and after a few minutes, Jace thought she might have not heard him,then suddenly,she let out a heartbreaking sob.

She clutched her sheets and put them over her mouth and let out a pained scream,muffled by the sheets and continued to sob. Jace sat there,no idea what to do when she curled up into a ball,her tears flowing with no intention to stop.

"What do you need?" Was what finally came out of his mouth. No,I'm sorry,cause he knew it wouldn't matter,it wouldn't help the situation. But whatever she needed,he could help with that at the least.

"....stay...stay with me. I need...I need you to stay..."she chocked,her eyes still shut. Jace didn't hesitate,he sat on the edge of the bed, and carefully laid down beside her,their bodies not in contact. He heard her take a shaky breath before holding up her bare hand,placing it in the space between them.

"Thanx."she mumbled with a slight hiccup. "No problem." Jace whispered gently placing his hand near hers.

And they stayed like that for awhile,Katriel calming down,the tears reducing,and Jace not taking his eyes of his friend. His stomach churning with guilt knowing he caused her pain.

"...I understand if you hate me and you don't want anything to do with me-"his apology was cut off by Katriel snorting,"sorry Holan,but I think your stuck with me.We're friends now remember.Nothing's gonna change that." In her mind Katriel added,'I promised mom.' Hoping she won't go into another weeping fit.

           To say Jace was surprised was an understatement. He was full on shocked to his core. No doubt,her grey eyes still held that spark and even though it was weak,she still smiled at him. Truly,she was unlike other human beings,and it was...fascinating,for lack of better terms.

"Good to know." He whispered as he heard her breathing evening out.

"Can I just...lay here for a while..."she chocked,opening her eyes.

"Sure,long as you need." Jace was sure when it came to Katriel,he wasn't as mucho. He was just her friend,not some dangerous guy.

         Soon,she was dead asleep. Not wanting to wake her,he gently removed his hand away from hers and stood slowly from the bed. "Sweet dreams Katriel."he whispered before covering her properly with the blankets. Giving her one last glance he exited the room.

Sorry it short,I was sleepy. ☺️

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