Our Story ~ A jily Fanfic

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" Lily! hurry and get down here, you have to leave in 10 minutes!" called Mum from in the kitchen. I sighed as I closed my trunk and looked around at my bedroom for the last time.

"Coming Mum!" I shouted back. I quickly grabbed my trunk and turned on the spot. The next thing I knew I was in the kitchen behind my mum and dad, with a loud crack. Mum jumped and whirled around.

"Oh, Lily! You scared me half to death sweetheart! I have told you, no appa-whatchamacallit in the house! Now, come be civil and have breakfast without using your magic." Said Mum. I grinned in spite of myself, and walked over to the counter, grabbing a plate.

"Breakfast looks yummy, mum. Thank you!" I told her, loading eggs, has downs and toast onto my plate.

"Don't eat too much, or you'll get fat!" Mum teased, poking my stomach while I ate. I giggled a little bit, only slightly offended.

"She'll never be fat! Lily is just skin and bones, aren't you?" Dad laughed, smiling fond,y at my mom.

My parent are so in love, I am actually jealous. They care so much about each other, and not just that, but they are supportive. They are kind, and keep things interesting.

"Why don't you go collect the last of your things?" He added, gesturing up the stairs. I skipped up the steps, quietly humming the hogwarts school song. When I came to my room, I just kind of sat on my bed. I already had everything packed, but I needed a minute alone to collect my thoughts, and to be sad.

Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love hogwarts, but... I also miss my parents when I'm there. I felt a few tears trickle down the side of my face, before I decided it had been long enough.

I stood, wiped the tears away, and walked down the stairs to my parents. I knew that it would be a bittersweet parting that I was about to make with them. I put on a brave smile and faced them sitting on my trunk.

"I guess this is the last minute we'll be alone until next September." I said awkwardly, awaiting the speech that would undoubtedly follow. I didn't count Christmas, because petunia was always around during Christmas, and she would, no doubt, bring home a boy from college.

"Well, Lily, I am so happy for your opportunity to go to this school. You are a smart girl, and you have proved you have good judgement. But I still don't trust these boys, make sure you know everything about them before you start dating them. Or just avoid the specimen in general, they can be very dangerous. Especially if they have magic. They might try and poof the clothes right off of you. Actually, maybe just don't date you know? I think that would be a great idea, dont you? Of course you do." Said my dad grimly. I nodded solemnly, and had enough sense to not go into the subject further. Although I did glance at my mom to see her laughing silently into the pantry.

Once she regained composure she walked over to me, stopping a few feet away and dusting the invisible crumbs from her hands.

"I will miss you dear, and I want you to know, we are both so proud of the young woman you have become. Top in your year, Beautiful, And kind, I only want to give you one thing, but I know that this will be enough to make you through the year. Its not something you can see, but rather, something you can feel. And I always want you to feel it. Hope. Never give it up. Never let it fade. Never lose it." whispered my mom, and then she rushed at me and burst into tears as I hugged her back.

"I'll see you for winter Holiday." I told her, trying to scoot away after five minutes.

"That's so far away though!" She cried, clutching me harder. I awkwardly patted her back in an attempt to cheer her up, but I am not very good at comforting. She was going to make me cry, and I had already done enough of that.

"Mum, I have to go" I said releasing her. she nodded stepping back, and in one swift movement, I apparated into one of the stalls in the kings cross station, but I sent my trunk ahead of me. Meaning I sent it right onto the platform.

I ran out of the bathroom, pulling my hair into a very messy ponytail as I ran. I think a few people gave me odd looks, but I wasn't too out of the ordinary because a whole bunch of business men were rushing off to work.

I barreled straight into the wall, blinking as I took in my new surroundings. It was hard to get used to the entrance, I will admit. I don't think I will ever get over the feeling of rushing straight into a wall.

It's terrifying, in case you were wondering. I just hoped every time it wasn't sealed up because how scary would it be if it closed up and you flipped over your trolley? I mean, I never brought a trolley for that reason, but you Never know. It might happen.

I spotted my trunk close to the loading dock, and I sped walked over, trying to catch my breath from running. Just an FYI, running is only for those who like it, not those who enjoy food to the extent I do. Don't get me wrong, I exercise. I do aerobics, to jazzy pop songs... So I'm not fat. But I could do with loosing a few pounds, let's be honest.

The train whistle blew. oh no! I thought  as I tried to move my trunk towards the train. I was never going to make it in time! I tugged and yanked but the trunk stayed firmly in place. I was practically purple in the face, and my veins were probably very obvious. I swear, the last time I was straining this hard, it was a Sunday after dinner and I hadn't eaten any fruits in a few days.

I would have used my huge muscles, except, I hadn't quite gotten those yet. I needed help, but no body was around. I looked around and hoped to see someone I knew, but I couldn't see anyone. I was pushing my feet on the ground, bracing them and trying to at least move it an inch. Clearly I needed to pack noticeably less clothes next year. Boy was this turning out to be a lousy year, and I hadn't even gotten to Hogwarts yet.


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