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Taehyung POV

I told Jungkook that I would try to think of him as more than just a friend. His face as I told him that I didn't like him compelled me to try.

I never wanted to see him that sad, especially not because of me.

I've thought about him for a full day now, nothing's really changed. I still see him as a cute shy kid who doesn't know how to deal with people.

It would be easy to doubt his feelings and just brush them off. And I would have if I didn't see his face. I had noticed before that he looked at me with that face but I ignored it telling myself it was nothing.

I couldn't ignore it any longer as he looked to me with that face as he confessed. His face was the same as my parent's as they watched each other endearingly, and before they kissed. It's the look of love.

I looked to the door and tensed up as the girl walked in escorted by a nurse. Sorry was all Saila said as she handed me a letter. I watched as she walked back out of the room only seconds after she entered.

I didn't want to open the letter, last time I did it was an invitation to a not so great day out.

Curiosity got the best of me and I pulled the letter open, reading it to myself.

Dear Taehyung

I know it means nothing but I truly am sorry. I know you are a good person and by the fact that no one has been arrested yet, too good. I've tried telling myself I did what I had to, that I didn't have a choice, but that's just a stupid excuse isn't it. Anyway it's not my place to say it but I hope you get better soon.

P.S. I don't think you're gonna have to worry about those people anymore the news already spread around school today. Jungkook threatened them saying if they touched you again he would make sure they regret it. He really cares for you. You're lucky;)

Idiot i said to myself with a smile on my face. I knew he would confront them in some way, that's why I didn't want to tell him.

I sighed out, Jungkook trusted me with his secrets and that made me happy. But I didn't even trust him with something like this.

I thought back to how I got mad and yelled. There really was no reason, so why did I tell at him.

I looked to the window then to my legs then my arm. I want to go up to it to feel the breeze, but with my broken arm and leg that's impossible.

I admired the view from my bed letting my mind wander. I thought of something that I hadn't for awhile, my friends from before I moved.

No matter how hard I thought I couldn't think of one time I yelled at them. I have ample memories of physical contact, it's second nature for me. What other people see as a sign of liking someone I see as, something as natural as breathing.

I thought long and hard for the rest of the night but the only conclusion I could come to was that Jungkook was special to me, whether that be romantic or not was tomorrow's question.

I woke up to the TV on and quite loud. It was an anime, one that I had watched before. It was on the last episode, the one where the main characters confess their love for each other before sharing a kiss.

I watched in silence as the climax unfolded. The girl stared up to the guy with sparkling eyes and he put his hand on her cheek. First the man said I love you then the girl.

Painfully slowly the two's lips got closer and closer till... I licked my lips before biting at my bottom lip. I have never kissed anyone, what does it feel like I wonder.

As I fell into a trance of kisses I thought of Jungkook. No! Wait, what?

My mind slid into turmoil, did I really never think of Jungkook or did I just repress it. What would his lips feel like. Have I thought of him before? No! Did I successfully repress something as natural as breathing to me for him. Have I ever thought about wanting to kiss someone. No. Do I want to kiss Jungkook? Yes.

"Have you ever kissed anyone" a voice came from the left. My head shot to the side and I saw a girl probably 13 or 14 sitting on a bed. I said "no" and she answered back "me either."

"Do you like someone?"

"I'm not sure yet," I said my mind still in turmoil

"Then I'll help you, I'll ask questions and you answers instantly."


"What's your name"


"How old are you"


"What's her name"


"What's their age"


"Do you find them cute or cool no matter what they do"


"Do you look for them anytime your not together"


"Would you protect them no matter what"


"Do you love him"


I answered without thinking fully, she asked quickly and I answered quickly, but nonetheless that is my answer.

"Then you love him" she said I just said huh wondering where she learned that. All that was left was to wait for Jungkook to come tomorrow.

In the mean time I decided to get to know my room mate. Her name is Mary, she's 15 and she has a broken ankle.

She was running around the classroom after a friend when she tripped. She started screaming but no one believe she was that hurt, all she did was fall. They changed their mind and called for a teacher once they noticed that her ankle wasn't going exactly the right direction.

She was nice, we talked a lot about many different things and she even told me good luck with my love.

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