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Jungkook POV

Every time I stopped distracting myself for even a second I was haunted by the image of Taehyung laying there, so close to dead.

For the most part I was curled up listening to music, breaking into tears anytime I happened to think about him. I didn't try to hold it in, that would just hurt more.

Taehyung's the person I'm closest to. Despite only knowing him for a couple of months he's become so important to me.

That's why it hurts so much knowing that we may never see each other again.

I slid off my bed and onto the floor before crawled over to my desk. I looked into the mirror as I passed by, in multiple places my arms were scratched raw and my face shone red from all the tears that fell.

I didn't mean to scratch at my arms but it's a habit, and one that only shows itself when I'm at my worst.

I climbed onto my desk and grabbed my art supplies hoping I could get some of my feelings to switch onto a canvas and leave me alone.

I painted for about an hour before giving up. I looked at the canvas that was covered in blotches of paint.

It was a figure ever so slightly similar to Taehyung. Colorful blotches of paint were splattered everywhere but they couldn't brighten up the dark figure standing Sullenly, painted with quick strokes as if in fear of the subject disappearing.

My eyes were drawn to the blotches of red that stood above everything else.

I shoved the painting underneath my desk to dry, I didn't want to be able to see it. I sighed out as I looked at the time on my phone it was barely noon.

I laid on my bed and concentrated on the music blasting through as loud as possible. I felt a little better thanks to the painting so it was easier to focus.

The music on my phone is mostly ballads or pop songs, the ballads make me even more emotional while the pop songs help cheer me up a bit.

Ballad after ballad played and I could feel myself slowly loosing my grip on consciousness, I forced myself up as I felt my body twitch.

I was extremely tired but I didn't want to sleep, I thought about what I could do to wake myself up and found myself in front of the bathroom door.

I turned the water on and flinched as Ice cold water bounced up and hit my bare skin. In one Swift motion I thrusted myself underneath the cold water. My eyes shot open my arms ran across my body trying to keep my warmth.

I turned around and shut off the water, I was only under for a couple of seconds but I was already soaked. I shivered as the water ran down my body and dripped onto the floor.

I quickly wrapped myself in a towel, the water plus the cold air around me made it feel like I was being pierced.

The water woke me up a bit but it was only a matter of time before I got tired again. I put my clothes back on before I walked with heavy feet down the stairs.

I rummaged through the cabinets and the fridge, I hadn't eaten anything since the night before. As I moved a big box of oatmeal to the side I uncovered a bag of instant coffee.

I pulled it out and set it on the counter. I knew how to make it from the many times I had watched my mother's back as she made it.

I measured out the ingredients and started it before walking over to the table and waiting.

Nothing went through my mind as I stared off into space. As the coffee maker beeped telling me it was done I jumped up.

I had of course tried coffee before but I don't like, it's bitter and gross. Not to mention my mom likes hers black so there isn't even anything to sweeten it with.

I held my nose and poured a cupful into my mouth. It burned a bit and tasted awful. The heat woke me up a bit but it took awhile for the caffeine to start working.

I was already on my third cup by the time that I finally felt like I could stay awake. I felt like I had to do something, anything, or else my heart was gonna explode.

I slipped on shoes before slipping out to take a jog. My feet pounded against the ground and my heart pounded in chest. I ran for awhile not even knowing where I was going. I stopped and looked up.

I wasn't far from my house only a couple of houses down. I was confused, I was covered in sweat I had to have gone farther than that, and I did I went around the block countless times.

I turned around and headed back to the house. I sat on the couch after shedding my shoes and shirt. I stood to go get more coffee but as I did my feet buckled under me and I fell back onto the couch.

My entire body was exhausted now not just my mind. I fell to the side and all thinking and all action ceased.......

I was in a hallway with a door to my left. I slowly turned the knob and the door slowly creaked open. The room was filled with memories, blurred and unrecognizable I tried to step inside but my body couldn't go past the door hinge.

I opened the door on the right side just slightly ahead, it was the same. I walked up to door after door opening them trying to go in but none worked. I stood in front of one with menacing aura, I knew what memory it was and I stupidly opened the door.

That memory was so burned into my brain that even through the blur I knew exactly what was going on. I slammed the door closed and ran. I ran as fast as I could down the long corridor that seemed as if it would never end.

But it did. I fell to the floor as I charged into a door. I looked up holding my nose it didn't hurt but it should've.

I grasped the door knob and flung the door open. It was empty, I put my hand out and pushed it into the room.

I cautiously walked in, I dropped to my knees and closed my eyes as the sight of Taehyung appeared before me.

I could feel as he wrapped his arms around me his warmth taking over me. I looked up face to face with Taehyung as we stared into each others eyes.

He bent down and we both closed our eyes, as his warm lips touched mine I pushed back but the warmth around me quickly dispersed.

I was pushed out of the room abruptly but I wasn't pushed back into corridor. Darkness surrounded me on all sides and I could feel the wind hitting against me as I fell.

I hardly had time to think before, splat.....

I woke up heaving. I sat up letting out small groans as pain from my soar legs shot through my body.

I traced my lips with my finger as I thought of my dream. I couldn't help but want to feel the warmth once again.

It didn't take me long at all to realize that I was in love with Taehyung. I had never been in love before but some things you just know.

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