17 The end

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Jungkook POV

I was standing in front of Taehyung's hospital room. I sighed out deeply and put on a smile.

No matter what answer he came to I don't want to be separated from Taehyung. And yet I know I have to accept whatever answer he tells to me with a smile on my face.

I opened the door and my eyes immediately met Taehyung's. I turned away to close the door and stared at the floor as I walked over to his bed.

I bit my lip and flipped my head up, meeting his eyes. He had a huge smile on his face. "Will you be my boyfriend" he said in a deep charming voice.

I'm sure my eyes looked as if they were gonna pop out. I nodded my head stiffly before leaning down and giving him a hug.

"Of course" I said and just hung on him for a minute. I quickly pulled back and scanned his body.

"Don't worry" he said "it only hurts if I get bumped." It was reassuring, I didn't want to cause him pain.

Taehyung looked passed me and stared so I turned to see what he was looking at. "Meet my roommate, Mary." "H-hi" I said pursing my lips and awkwardly raising my arm up then down. I turned and glared at Taehyung for not telling me but he just smiled.

"Congrats" she said, my face turned to panic and I could feel it heating up. She was watching, embarrassing.

Taehyung noticed my panic and called out to me, I looked to him but didn't say anything. "I can go home today" he said and I smiled "they finished the last tests yesterday and all I need to do is call my mom, I was just waiting for you."

"Will you come to my house?" It took me a couple seconds to answer, but this is the last time I'll ever hesitate to answered him, "of course."


The car ride was a bit awkward, all I could think about was how I stole Mrs Kim's son.

I pushed Taehyung's wheelchair up to the door following behind his mother. My eyes wandered scanning every inch of what was around me.

As I heard the door open I looked forward and once again pushed Taehyung. "I just want to thank you again for coming over to help out" she said, I answered back "it's no problem" looking up and we made eye contact. I looked away quickly and my eyes darted across the room.

"I'll make some snacks, Taehyung you guide him to your room" his mom said and Taehyung started telling me directions.

I looked around as he pushed the door open, it was spotless. It wasn't what I expected at all.

I helped him onto his bed and he sighed a bit. I knew he didn't like being helped with. Basic things but I hated seeing him struggle.

There wasn't much we could do so we ended up just watching TV while eating the yogurt and fruit that Mrs Kim brought us.

Movie after movie played and before I knew it, it was already late into the night, dinner had already come and gone and it was now past ten.

I didn't want to ask myself so I had Taehyung ask his mom if she would take me to go get some stuff from home.

She said yes so we left. Taehyung stayed at home, he said he was too tired to go.

The radio was all that could be heard on the ride, you could almost feel the tenseness.

She waited in the car as I ran into my house. I grabbed clothes, my toothbrush, and as I grabbed a pair of headphones from my desk I noticed a piece of paper.

I opened it and immediately smiled

"Dear Jungkook
I hope you get better soon and..."

I read it for like the millionth time. "Shit" I said as I remembered Mrs Kim waiting in the car. I rushed out of my room and walked down the hall to my moms room.

I carefully opened the knob and looked to her bed, she was already asleep. "Goodnight mom, love you" I said in a soft whisper before carefully closing the door.

I ran down the stairs and out the door before climbing into the car and watching my house disappear into the distance.

I said "thank you" to Mrs Kim and headed to the bathroom before she even said anything back.

I changed into my pajamas that I had packed and brushed my teeth.

I tip toes across the floor of Taehyung's room that was pitch black. I carefully laid out my blanket on the floor and slipped underneath it.

I was laying for about five minutes when Taehyung called out to me. "Sorry did I wake you" I said sitting up.

"No, I was awake," his voice was meek "I have this problem, I can't sleep alone. I usually sleep with my dog but he wouldn't understand to be careful. So... could you just lay next to me and maybe hold my hand."

I stood not answering him. I felt around till I found his body. "Of course" I said leaning in next to him before laying beside him.

He hesitated as his hand was over mine, "are you sure." I brought my hand up and interlocked my fingers with his "of course, if it's you, of course."

My heart was beating loudly, I was trying my hardest to be calm.

I looked up to his eyes as he let go of my hand. I was confused. As I felt the warmth of his hand on my cheek I realized. "Then.." he said as he softly traced over my bottom lip. I let out a small noise of approval as I felt my cheeks warm up.

I closed my eyes and puckered my lips ever so slightly. I felt his hand slide down my arm, and back to my hand. As his fingers intertwined with mine his lips pressed against mine. Warmth shot from my lips to my hand to the rest of my body.

The kiss was short but nice, I had been wanting to kiss him ever since I first dreamt of it. I squeezed his hand as I drifted off thoughts floating freely through my mind.

I'll never take Taehyung or life for granted ever again.

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