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Asteaia, Lysithea

    A brisk December wind rattled through the air, blowing snow and debris in its wake. The houses shook on their foundations as people scuttled to and fro, not wanting to be trapped in the insufferable weather. The town of Asteaia was filled with a flurry of snow and activity, as pine needles and mistletoe whirled in the crisp air. Townsfolk clung to their packages and parcels as they attempted to navigate the crowded streets.
Pebblers sold hot bread and pastries on the corner, and children eagerly moved about in the snow, creating snow angels before being tugged along by their exhausted parents. It was a week until Christmas, and all of Asteaia was eager to return home to their families.

    Inside the town's most notable infirmary, there was chaos of a different sort. Lord Fawzi al-Hameed paced back and forth uncomfortably as his wife screamed in agony. He wished he had been able to miss the birthing process, but unfortunately, his wife has insisted she'd feel at ease with him present. Still, it was utterly revolting and seeing his usually beautiful wife so disheveled was repulsive.

    "Lady al-Hameed, I require you to push, one last time!" The doctor ordered, wiping his sweaty pasty hands on his robes. Ophelia al-Hameed screamed again, as Lord Fawzi shut his eyes in annoyance. He just wanted this to be over, so he could hold his son. Hopefully the boy would grow up to not disappoint him. Although, under Lord Fawzi's guidance, his son would be the envy of all of Asteaia. Hell, his son would be the pinnacle of excellence and envy of all of Lysithea!

    "Congratulations Monsieur al-Hameed! It's a boy!" The doctor announced as he held the breach baby, studying the infant's legs. Lord Fawzi let out a sigh of relief. "Thank god. If my wife bore me a useless harlot, we would be the laughing stock of Asteaia," he muttered, ignoring the doctor as he carried the child to be measured.

"Mary, Mother of God"!

    Recoiling in horror, the doctor dropped the sickening thing onto the scale as he snatched his hands away. The infant, if you could even call it that was a vomitous sight. It was truly the devil's incarnation. A long, grotesque, bumpy, scar-like disfigurement covered the thing's face, resulting in a mesh of flesh across its face. Its nose and lips were sunken in, the flesh pulled tautly. The rest of its skin was discoloured, scarred and sunken in. This thing, was not a baby, but a monster!

    "Bring me my son, doctor," Lady Ophelia pleaded breathlessly, her frail arms reaching out for her child. The pride on the new mother's face was unmistakable, as she glowed with happiness. Lord Fawzi on the other hand, looked bored and rather annoyed. It was a pity that such an esteemed noble couple didn't know that they had brought the devil himself into the world.

    There was only one place for abominable, contemptible beings like this: Hell.
Utterly repulsed and sickened, the doctor picked up a rough white towel from the floor. Crimson stained the worn fabric as the doctor wrapped the infant's body tightly. The liquid seeped into the baby's skin, pooling in the crevices of his face. Hopefully, the devil would suffocate quickly as to not curse them all. It was a hideous, damable thing that deserved to suffer.

    The infant howled, its little body squirming as the doctor roughly hoisted him up, holding him as far away as possible, The hopeful look on the proud al-Hameed's faces wavered as they saw the doctor's grim and revolted expression. He held out the bundle, as Lady Ophelia's dainty hand reached out to caress her son's face, covered by the rough blanket. Behind her, stood her husband, a prideful arrogant look on his face. It was very clear the Lord and Lady were ostentatious in their wealth. That was greed clear by the expensive ring on Lady Ophelia al-Hameed's hand.

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