Chapter Sixteen

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"OWCH!" I cried out as my mother yanked my hair, pushing the pin in towards the scalp.
"Stop fussing Adrienne"!
My mother continued pushing the pins into my hair. She wanted me to have perfect ringlets for the masquerade ball tomorrow.
"Adrienne, this ball is extremely important. It might be your only hope to snatch a suitor. Your sisters certainly have no trouble in that regard" my mother muttered.
Once my hair was painfully filled with the pins, my mother began applying some mask on my face.
"Why mother?! Please I really don't want any of this" I groaned.
"I can't trust you to do this yourself, nor behave like a proper lady. I never had to watch Marie or Elizabeth like this" she retorted, continuing to slather the gloppy mixture on my face.
The next hour consisted of more "beauty" treatments. I was poked, prodded and slathered with a million different products.
Once my mother had finished, she demanded I go to sleep.
"You'll need your sleep. Looking bright and perky is especially important".
"Okay" I surrendered, settling between the sheets.
Blowing out my bedside candle, my mother left from the room in a huff.
I let my eyes close and sleep take me away.

A beautiful voice called me, as I ran through a grassy meadow. I was wearing a white, flowy, long, silk gown with flowers adorned in my long hair.
A figure stood at the edge of the meadow, wearing all black.
"Adrienne" the voice called again as I ran towards it. Nearing the figure, I realized it was a man.
Then the man began to sing, a beautiful haunting melody filling the sun-kissed meadow.
My angel.
Running into his arms, into his embrace, I felt happiness fill me. My angel looked down at me, admiration in his eyes.
As he spun me around in a circle, I giggled loudly, my dress swirling behind me.

"WAKE UP!" A angry voice, cut through the dream.
I felt something shake me.
My eyes shot open, the afternoon light flooding the room. The first thing I saw was my mother's angry face.
"ADRIENNE! WE HAVE TO GET YOU READY" she yelled, panic crystal clear in her voice.
Forcing me out of bed, my mother quickly ushered me to the vanity. Roughly pulling out the hairpins, a tuft of perfect ringlets fell in front of my face. My mother's careful hands twisted and braided stands back from my face.

What felt like hours later, she was satisfied and stepped back to admired her work.
"Now, time for makeup" she concluded, clicking her tongue.
I groaned.
I hated getting all dressed up to impress people who judged me for it. Every whisper, dirty look and quiet giggle was like a dagger in my heart. A dagger that meant I didn't belong.

After slathering on what she considered a "respectable" amount of makeup, she hummed her approval. "There. Now you look slightly better".
"I'll be back soon after I check up on your sisters".

As soon as I heard her footsteps walking away, I ran to the washbasin and scrubbed my face.
So much better.
I hated looking like a porcelain doll whose only purpose was to be admired. Walking back over to the vanity, I stared at my face in the mirror.
Everyone was right. My beauty could never rival my sisters, whom were much daintier and beautiful than I.
Reapplying some rouge, I gazed at my imperfections. My nose was much too big, as well as my forehead. I had plain dark brown eyes and chestnut hair.
"No matter," I thought to myself. I was tired of the shallow opinions and judgment from the townsfolk.
Moments later, my mother rushed back in, carrying a white dress and masque.
"Your sisters are both already ready, and they both look lovely".
"Now, for your dress".

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