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Western Woods, Lysithea


    King Cerberus paced in his quarters, drumming his fingers against the marble of his balcony. His mind was restless, overcome with the pressure from the court to find an heir. He gazed out into the serenity of the woods. Perhaps he would go for a stroll. Sheathing his sword and knife in his belt, he closed the door of the balcony.

    Fastening a midnight blue cloak around his shoulders, Cerberus grazed the soft velvet with his fingertips. The cloak was embroidered with golden vines creeping towards the neckline, and fastened with a golden and ornate pendular brooch. It was lined with soft black satin which smoothly swept across the skin like water.

    Placing his ornate golden sceptre on a divan, King Cerberus pulled the hood of his cloak over his head. He lavished the feeling of the smooth satin against his ears. It seems that even after hundreds of years, a common born peasant would never fully grow used to the luxuries of royalty. Stepping into the ornate marble halls, Cerberus couldn't help but marvel at the sheer glory and size of the palace. He would simply never tire of it. No matter how many centuries he lived at the palace, he could seldom help being breath taken at the beauty that lay in the royal estates. Pausing at an oil painting, he stared at the figures fondly.

    It was a portrait of him, about a century ago. Sitting beside him were his three advisors, barely into adulthood at the time. Cerberus smiled at their nervous expressions, captured perfectly in the image. He had grown to become quite fond of the three men despite their theatrics. They certainly brought liveliness to the palace and court.

    Passing numerous paintings of gods and goddesses along the lavish halls, Cerberus stopped once again in front of his favourite and largest painting. It was a painting of the Greek gods and goddesses in Olympus. As King, he had always been intrigued by Greek mythology. He smiled at the family pictured in the corner. The two primordial deities of darkness and night, and their son; god of death. He always felt an unexplainable pull towards the painting, and a particular connection with the small family painted in the corner.

    Continuing down the hallway, Cerberus slipped past the guards. A bit too easily, but then again, he had been doing so for quite some time. Truely, he hated to be disturbed on his nighttime walks. It was rare that he was allowed to be alone with his thoughts. He knew very well if the court caught wind of his activities, they would have numerous guards and his advisors accompanying him.

    Opening one of the many exits in the palace, King Cerberus slipped silently from the palace. Walking quietly into the dark woods, he cast a single glance back at his home. He truly loved his kingdom, and would continue to love and protect his people for years to come. He had fought for them, bled for them and would one day die for them.

    Unexplainable, King Cerberus let his feet lead him to a clearing he often frequented. The place seemed almost ethereal and calming, as the moonlight poured directly onto the forest fauna. The shrubbery blanketed the ground, leaves reaching towards the sky as if to drink in the moonlight. It was a peaceful place, where Cerberus felt himself completely relax. That was an uncommon feeling for a King.

    Cerberus sat quietly and solemnly. He let himself become disconnected from his duties, the Royal court and the country. For once, he was at peace with his mind, almost as if he was in a dream.

    "You bastard." A human voice snarled, startlingly close. King Cerberus was startled out of his dreamlike state, staring at the man in front of him. The anger from his eyes showed a glimpse at a furious, twisted man, who was yearning for vengeance. Vengeance for what, Cerberus had no idea. Fires of fury and hatred were smoldering in the small depths of the man's eyes. He possessed such beautiful dark blue eyes, so dark they almost resembled the night sky. The man stepped closer, his body taught with fury. "Bonjour monsieur, may I assist you" Cerberus asked cautiously, noting the man's anger. The man clenched his fist as he stepped closer, now shaking with rage.

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