Prelude I

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Helencia Castle, Lysithea

"Your majesty! May I get you something to drink?" a maid asked quietly as King Cerberus slumped onto a red velvet divan. The King nodded briefly, furrowing his brows as his head throbbed. The meeting with the Royal Council had been exhausting, and achieved zero progress. Instead, it had been extremely uncomfortable, and humiliating in a way.

King Cerberus hated these meetings with a passion, but he understood their purpose. The discussion always centered around the heir to the kingdom, and led to scrutiny over his failure to produce a son or daughter. Truthfully, he understood why the royal court kept pressing the matter, the secession of the kingdom relied on him having one rightful and clear heir to the throne. Many had seen what a disaster other kingdoms had fallen into in the past, when they crowned tyrants as Kings.

"King Cerberus!" Three obnoxiously loud voices called, as his three eccentric advisors, or his kids as he affectionately named them, burst into the room in a jumbled manner. The three quickly straightened themselves and bowed, adhering to proper etiquette. Cerberus' lips quirked slightly at their antics. The trio were rather chaotic for lords of their rank, and yet it was always refreshing. Cerberus never had the opportunity to grow close to others, as his rank dictated others defer to him in all aspects. Aristogeiton was the first to break that protocol, becoming his closest confident and dearest friend. His advisors were the second group to break it, albeit accidentally. Cyan and Aspen were naive to the protocol at court, and despite Damian's upbringing, he eventually yielded.

The timid serving girl, Dauphina handed him his goblet of Sanguis. Cerberus thanked her quietly, and dismissed her before taking a rather large sip of the crimson liquid. Perhaps he overcompensated too much...  but Cerberus knew he rather be safe than sorry.

"Your majesty, how are you feeling? I am aware the symposium was a calamity, but I assure you, as your royal advisors, we are wholly on your side, your grace." Aspen spoke, as he sat on a parallel divan. His left leg bounced absentmindedly, a quirk that the man had maintained since he was first appointed as Cerberus' advisor. "Please do understand your majesty, the court does not mean to question you, but is rather unsure about the succession of our kingdom."

Cerberus pursed his lips, still tasting the rich lamb's blood flavouring his pallet. Before the King could answer, a knock on the door disturbed him. Aristogeiton, a very close friend of King sauntered into the room, in that fluid airlike way of theirs. They paused on the threshold, bowing deeply, their long dreads sweeping over their shoulder. They brushed them back as they righted themself. "Cerberus, I will be heading into Lamia for the afternoon. Would you desire for me to purchase anything for you, your grace?"

King Cerberus shook his head. "Thank you for your kind offer Aristogeiton, but I desire nothing. Have a splendid time, anserculus." Aristogeiton's wide nose crinkled at the nickname. Anserculus meant little goose, and it just so happened to be Ari's favourite animal. Cerberus always teased them for their unconventional favourite animal. Most old nobility like Aristogeiton's late family favoured particular animals, such as swans, bears, wolves, etc. But Ari adored geese, and refused to mask their fondness.

Aristogeiton bowed once more, before sauntering out the door, their hips swaying in that distinct way of theirs. Cerberus just watched bemused as the three kids glanced knowingly at each other. Aristogeiton and his relationship always perplexed others. The kids had grown used to it, hardly surprised by their antics.
Cyan cleared his throat, albeit awkwardly. "Your grace, the court has reminded us yet again of the lack of an heir for the kingdom." He sighed, his eyes flicking upwards before meeting the King's once more. "The court is baffled by your close relations with both women and men coupled with your refusal to sire a child." The vampyr looked exhausted, clearly having the same questions flung at him over and over.

Cerberus placed his goblet down on a side table, the silver loudly clattering against the fine wood. He inhaled deeply. "I do understand the court's need for a rightful heir, however, my relations with others are not to be debated in such an unseemly way." The King pinched the bridge of his nose. "I suppose I'll have to be more clear on that to the court," he muttered, annoyed. "You three are aware of my lack of sexual desire and attraction, and I can assure the court, that will not change. Across my five centuries of life, I have never desired sexual intimacy from others, especially not from my closest companions."

Aspen's eyes softened in understanding. "I know, your majesty. I understand wholly. But the court—" The King raised a hand. "I have averted this question for far to long, and you three have bore the weight of the court's questioning. I do not and can not produce an heir, as I have no desire to lie with anyone. I will choose a successor to inherit this kingdom. That is my final decision."

His three advisors Aspen, Cyan and Damian said nothing, but nodded in response. "I understand your grace. We'll do our part too, in order to quell the court's worries about the matter," Damian promised. Cerberus nodded in appreciation. He had already a few successors in mind, not that he had mentioned anything to the council about the matter, as he did not want to be pressed with more personal questions. The Einari family's oldest would be an excellent choice as his heir. Young Lord Asmodeus Einari was a bright child despite only being eight summers old. The Einari family was incredibly loyal, as they led others to ensure the protection of Lysithea. However, Cerberus has not fully decided on the matter, and was still thinking about his future heir and the future of Lysithea.

King Cerberus's mind flickered back to the human colony near the French border. "Tell me, has there been any news from Asteaia?" he asked. Asteaia was the only human colony in Lysithea, and had been the source of problems in the kingdom. The city had always been isolated from the rest of Lysithea, few businesses and vendors willing to sell within the city.

Asteaia was surrounded by a large fence, which encompassed the city, with two gates at the northern and southern section of the city. The Asteaian people largely managed themselves, not involving themselves with. They were, by large unaware they lived in a kingdom of Vampyr people.
"There has been some unrest as per usual from the population. However, it is similar to what we've experienced before. The Asteaian people clearly feel disconnected from the country, which causes the prejudice. There has also been an increase of activity at the Asteaian-French border, but no activity beyond that. Everything else is normal, your majesty" Aspen reported.

King Cerberus nodded. "Thank you men. If you would be so kind, I'd like a moment to myself." Aspen, Cyan and Damian nodded, closing the doors behind them. Cerberus slowly walked over to the balcony at the opposite side of the room. Opening the doors, he slowly stepped out, hearing the crisp winter wind howl in his ears.

The King looked into the distance, studying the dim lights of the cities beyond the castle. A feeling of serenity and peace overcame him. Somewhere out there, there was someone with the strength and kindness to lead Lysithea and become its next ruler. Someone who could make the kingdom prosper, and create a royal bloodline of their own. Somewhere in Lysithea, was a person who was the heir to the Lysithean throne.

And King Cerberus just had to find them...

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