Chapter Twenty Five

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"This was a stupid decision," I thought to myself as I hid in the bushes.

I just needed to see her again, even if it was only one last time.

Here I was, hiding like a boy, near the town square. Dark memories began to resurface; memories of growing up in this miserable town. I was on the way to see mom lumiére.
I was anxious, going mad with worry; when didn't come to our spot as she said.
I had a strange need to protect her; to care for her.

Then I heard her angry voice and the commotion.
Due to my heightened hearing, I heard it all.
All of it.

I was fuming silently in the bushes.
How dare that scum lay a hand on my Adrienne!
I stood, ready to-

Then it happened.

Her father slapped her; her despicable rat of a father slapped her. Such a innocent, pure kindhearted girl; only a sick person would ever want to hurt her. When she turned and I saw the blood and tears on her cheek, all bets were off.

It was time Asteaia remembered the curse.

I listened to them scream as the smoke bomb filled the square. I took a deep breath, instantly choosing a melody as the music flowed inside me.

"The bridge is crossed, so stand and watch it burn".
"You've past the point of no return".

The citizens craned their heads, trying to figure out where the voice was coming from.

As the smoke cleared, I grinned, rage swirling in my eyes.

And I saw my Adrienne.
Those stolen nights in the forest didn't go her justice, she was beautiful in an odd sort of way. Long brown hair trickled down her back, her beautiful face red from tears. But her eyes... Her eyes were black, filled with sadness and pain;the pain that others cause her. The thought was infuriating, my blood boiling in my veins.

"ENOUGH!" I bellowed, my rage consuming me.

I glared daggers at the scum who was Adrienne's father. I would deal with the other 'thing' later. Her father was gripping her wrist tightly, and I could see the pain it was causing her. No more.

"HOW DARE YOU!" I snarled, anger raging through me like a whirlwind. Her
father staggered back in fear, releasing her small wrist. The townsfolk backed up as well, fear in their eyes.

"My Angel" My Adrienne murmured clutching her wrist to her chest;tears filling her eyes. How dare they make her cry! They would pay for every tear that trickled from her eyes.

Then, she turned her gaze to me, sadness reflecting in those beautiful dark eyes. My glare softened, I would never want to scare her. She looked at me like she wanted me, needed me.

"Mon lumière" I whispered, opening my arms to her.
I watched as she ran into them, not hesitating for a second.

It seemed the world stopped at that moment.

She curled into me, her tiny frame fitting perfectly into my larger one. Wrapping my arms around her, I pulled her closer to me. Her tears felt wet against my shirt.
My Adrienne, mine to protect.

A possessive feeling rose inside me. No-one would ever hurt her again.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw her damned fiancé lunge forward to grab her. She instantly stiffened in my arms. Hell no.

I easily blocked his pathetic attempt. Holding mon lumiére tighter, I rubbed soft circles on her back, soothing her as I have done before. The only thing that mattered right now was her. She trembled in my arms, clearly frightened.
Others gazed at us with amazement and horror.

"Lumière" I whispered, pulling her closer to me as she snuggled closer. This innocent angel was clinging to me, me!?
I lifted her tiny wrist in my much larger hand, regarding the bruises and trickle of blood. Yet another thing they would pay for...
I pressed my lips to her wrist as she whimpered, pressing herself further into me.

Looking up, I regarded the gawking and furious crowd, as rage filled my eyes again.

"HOW DARE YOU HURT HER!" I yelled, as my Adrienne shook slightly in my arms. Damn, now look what I've done; I've scared her.

"Angel" She murmured again tears brimming from her eyes. Hell, if I could take away her pain, I would.
An idea flicked in me.

Lifting her chin up to face me, my eyes became soft as I gently brushed the tears away.

"Je suis dèsole, mon lumière," I said softly; leaning forward and pressing my lips to hers.

I let myself drink her sweet blood. Just enough to knock her out; she didn't need to know the angel she trusted was really a monster.

I retracted my fangs from her lips, scooping up her drooping body in my arms. Licking her blood off my fangs, I cradled her to me, being very gentle with her tiny frame.
She was so small compared to me.

"WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY DAUGHTER!" Adrienne's pathetic excuse for a father yelled, stepping forwards. He looked furious as a woman sobbed behind him.

It was enough to release the monster inside me.
My fangs elongated again as I watched it etch it's way back into my face.
My scar.

The screams echoed through the air.

"Tut, tut mayor, don't tell me you've forgotten me? I thought you all missed me, the Angel of Darkness". Fear instantly stirred through the air, as some looked on confused.

"W-What is your Buisness in Asteaia" the mayor stuttered, clearly knowing who I was.

I laughed hauntingly. "I guess you all forgot my curse".


The look of horror filled the townsfolks faces as Adrienne's father and fiancé lunged for me, perhaps another pathetic attempt to stop me as I retreated into the darkness, clutching my Adrienne.

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