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I was with my family and girlfriend Belinda heading to Cancun Mexico for our family vacation/celebration, thinking that it was going to be that special vacation when all dreams come true because my family thought I was gonna propose to Belinda. Boy were they wrong, I mean sure she was sexually wanting and all, but she was getting more on my nerves & bad side more often than not, that I was praying like hell that she would just leave my ass, so I could move on with my life even though my mom really has been nagging me a lot lately about marriage & grandkids. It wasn't that I didn't want kids and the perfect wife or anything, but it was the fact, that I knew Belinda wasn't the right one for me because if she was the right one she wouldn't irritate me as much as she does, plus I know for a fact, that she cheated on me twice since we've been dating, which was why my loving family insisted that I invite her so we could so-called renew our relationship, and fix what she fucked up. The only problem with that theory was...I didn't want to fix it, I wanted her gone.

My oldest brother JD thought Belinda and I made a great couple, However, my other brother Costa was more toward my side on this predicament and really wanted the Latina bitch out of my life, because not only did he despise her ass, he knew she was no good for me and was always telling me that I could do a hell of a lot better than her. But my mommy made me promise to give it another chance because she was determined for me to give her grandkids before she was too old to enjoy them. So just for my mommy I sucked it up and tried to get along and pretend to forgive her and to make the most of the vacation and try to have fun. Belinda tried several times when we were alone to become sexual with me, so I did what any man would do...I ignored her worthless ass, and let her know very quickly that I wasn't interested in her sexually anymore, and that I was just doing this for my mom, and that we were in fact over with.

On the third day of the vacation, JD rented a sailboat so we could do some recreational sailing, fishing, sea bobbing, jetskiing, and deep sea diving along the coral reefs. So while Mama D was sitting in a lawn chair on the port side of the boat under an umbrella enjoying the sailing while reading her book, her crazy youngsters as she loved to call us boys, was getting ready for some water fun, starting out with the deep sea diving first to see if we could find any sunken treasures buried along the reefs. Lynn grabbed me and asked me why I wasn't paying Belinda any attention today, because she was wearing a very sexy bikini just for me, and I wasn't even giving her the time of day.

I looked over at Belinda, as she was trying very hard to turn me on, but the trouble with that was, no matter how appealing she looked on the outside...I knew what she was and felt like on the inside, and just the thought of sleeping with her again was enough to turn my stomach inside out and lose my lunch. Especially when I knew who she was fucking behind my back, a no-account wannabe ugly ass Olympic swimmer, not even a champion mind you, and truth be told my ass hairs was better looking and more talented then he was. But I kept my thoughts to myself for until after the vacation was over, then after my two brothers took my mother back to New York, then I would permanently cut Belinda out of my life so I could find a lady worth my time and energy.

Once we were all under the water scuba diving searching for lost sunken treasures on our own, when my oxygen tube had a malfunction in it, and I couldn't breathe, I tried to swim back up to the surface, but being so far underwater, I needed to take time to regulate, and I couldn't wait that long because I was suffocating, and I didn't want to drown. That's when I saw her for the first time...I didn't know if I was dead and seeing an underwater angel, or if maybe I was so weak from loss of oxygen that maybe I was seeing things. But she was there, larger than life, and the most gorgeous thing I had ever laid eyes on. Her hair was black and as shiny as a raven's wing, and it trailed down way past her waist. It had beautiful shells braided into some of the strands. Her eyes were as blue and shiny as sapphires, and her smile was enough to melt the coldest and hardened of hearts.

But right as she reached me, my eyes went black...and the next thing I knew was Costa pumping water out of me while JD was giving me mouth to mouth, until I automatically snapped out of it and rolled over to choke the water out. Mama D was asking me if I was alright with the look of deep worry and fear, as Lynn was drying me off with a towel and wiping my face for me. I sat up and asked how I made it back to the boat, and if they saw the beautiful girl that saved me. They all looked at one another then looked down at me and said that there was no girl in the water with me, and JD and Costa saw me in distress, and jumped in and pulled me to the boat. Belinda wrapped her arms around me and began kissing me telling me how happy she was that I was ok, but I just pushed her off of me and stood up against the railing and just gazed into the deep waters wondering who she was, and where she came from or went to.

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