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I was slowly sinking to the bottom of the ocean, as my surfboard made it to the beach by itself for my mother to see, while she was walking back toward the cabana with the chicken tucked under her arm, and instantly raced toward the water and waded out past her ankles and began hollering for me. When she realized that something awful happened she rushed to the boat docks and hollered for JD and Costa telling them that something bad happened to me, and they needed to get out there and search for me before I drowned. Costa quickly assessed the problem, and saw my board on the beach without me, and said I must have fallen off my board and hit my head on something, then he raced out into the water, and took a wild dive, and began the search for me. JD gave mom a kiss and said that I would be alright and not to worry, then he jumped in and began the search as well.

At first, when I woke up, I was a little worried because I was still under the water, I tried to swim very quickly to whatever surface I could find, but instead, the beautiful girl that I saw during my first accident was right there in front of me, and of all things she was smiling me. I smiled back but then remembered that I was still underwater and not being able to breathe, and began to panic again, only this time she moved right up to my face and placed her lips over mine and what I thought was a kiss, was actually breaths of life, she was breathing for me I gently touched her face and around her ears, and realized she had full working gills behind her ears! After I got enough air I held my breath again and swam away from her a little bit to take a better look at her, and I grew quickly faint at what I saw! The new girl I was so intrigued by from her saving me a few days ago, was a mermaid! I was attracted to half fish and half girl!

I became lightheaded and closed my eyes and once again I was out like a light. When I woke up for the second time I was somewhere on the sandy beach lying just outside a cove nowhere near where I was surfing earlier. I slowly sat up and began to choke and cough out the salty water and curled up in a slightly tight ball, because it was late in the evening and rather chilly. I stood up though and began to look around aimlessly wondering where she went. Just as I was walking away from the water, going to head back to my family and the cabana huts we rented, when I heard a light singing and cooing noise, followed by a slight splash. I looked back toward the cove and saw her peeking her head over a few of the jagged rocks in front of the cove.

I walked back over to where she was and knelt down and just started to mindlessly talk to her like she knew and understood everything I was saying...until I realized I was just hearing myself talk, and she was just sort of wading in the shallow water looking at me inquisitively without uttering one word. I reached out for her and she went under the water and swam away from me a little ways off, then turned and looked at me again, I dropped in the sand on my ass and promised I wouldn't hurt her. She kept staring at me with those gorgeous beautiful blue eyes of hers, then slowly swam back over to me again. I softly asked her if she understood me at all, and she slightly smiled at me and shook her head, yes, but then she touched her throat, then opened her mouth and shook her head no. Then she touched the air above her, then she went underwater and slapped her tail but stayed there, so I dunked my head under the water and looked at her while holding my breath and she was talking to me! That was it, she couldn't speak out of the water, but under the water, she could talk just fine.

So in order to have a conversation with her, she came up to listen to me, and I dunked my head under the water to listen to her, then visa versa to get our answers to our previous questions, I found out that her name was Kaylani Corali and that she was the youngest daughter of King Triton, the ruler of the underwater world. After hearing her entire story I stood up and thought for sure I was stuck in some kind of magical dream because this kind of shit just didn't exist! But she was there as plain as day with a very beautiful blue/green mermaid tail with fins, scales and all! But it was her top half that I was obsessing over, she was so magically beautiful she was actually stealing my breath away just thinking about her. 

We both were interrupted, by my family hollering frantically for me, and by the sound of their voices they were quite desperate and as soon as Kaylani saw them, she made a quick splash, then she was gone. I was too cold to move, so I just hollered for them telling them where I was at, and that I was wet, starving and freezing. My mom pulled me up and wrapped her shawl around me as she rubbed my arms and shoulders for me, and told me never to scare her like that again! That I managed to take at least three years off of her life that she couldn't afford to spare! I gave her a hug and a kiss as I apologized to all of them for the accident, but now it was all over with, and all I needed was a warm bed, dry clothes, and food. As my loving family pulled me to the warmth of the cabana hut, I looked back to the water and whispered goodnight to her, then from the corner of my eye I saw her tail flip out of the water and make a slight wave to me before she disappeared under the sea.

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