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Ever since that little incident that I had during our family underwater fun, I haven't been quite myself. Mama D found that I was quite entranced with the water as if I was hoping for some miracle to come out of the ocean for me. But she didn't know that all I was looking for was any sign of life that what I saw was real because if I was fantasizing that girl, I had one hell of an intense imagination is all I could say because I never met a girl that gorgeous in my life! I just wish I knew her name, so the next time we would meet, I could pretend that we've met before, in another life and time. I was thinking so heavily about her, that I didn't hear Lynn calling to me telling me that lunch was ready.

Mama D walked up behind me and asked me what was troubling me so completely that I ignore the family so much, and that I haven't even tried to retie the love strings between Belinda and myself, and she said that was the whole idea in bringing her on the family vacation. I looked down in my glass of beer and told her that Belinda and I were over, and there was nothing that could ever be done or said to change my mind about it. My mom stood up and said she was starting to understand that, from by the way I have been treating her since we got here. I jumped up out of the chair and got a little loud with her and told her I was sorry I couldn't give her what she wanted! But I just can't love someone, if the love isn't there anymore...and now I'm not even sure if the love was ever there, to begin with.

But I quickly lightened up the mood and told her that I was still gonna find a girl, and fall in love with her and eventually marry her and give her the grandkids that she wants, no needed so badly. Then I wrapped my arm around her and gave her a reassuring kiss, as I said let go get some lunch because I could smell Lynn's great cooking from way out here. Right when mom and I made it to the cabana hut we were staying in, I apologized to Costa, because I thought for sure it was Lynn making the delicious smelling lunch. Costa chuckled as he handed mom her plate, and said not this time for Lynn was in a hurry and decided to eat and run because she and Belinda had an all-day shopping spree in mind, plus they wanted to get away from all of us guys.

But JD pulled me to him and said that it was only half of it, Lynn was taking Belinda out to get her some new apparel to try to entice me back into liking her. I lowered my head and looked over my sunglasses and slightly rolled them as I told him very seriously that it wasn't ever gonna happen, even if Belinda paraded in front of me wearing nothing but a solid diamond bikini that was slightly see thru, would I ever be enticed by her anorexic titless skinny ass, then I added rather colorfully that I hated her fucking whining ass accent. Then after I finished my plate of food I tossed the disposable plate in the trash can, and headed straight toward the beach, because I was in the mood for a little action/fun, and beens the waves were looking good, I decided it was time to try a little surfing or boogie boarding.

As soon as Costa finished cleaning the kitchen area he went to the boat docks to try a little fishing with JD following very quickly behind him because he loved fishing and this was the best opportunity to actually enjoy it because once we made it back home, he would be too busy working at his music store, and teaching kids how to play instruments, and giving lessons to anyone that was willing to learn for the Rhythm & Blues music festival/contest that was coming up this next fall. As for me, I would be heading back to Las Vegas to start once again on my super magical show three times a day every day except for Sundays, I only performed once in the afternoon on Sunday and the rest of the day was alone time for me, but everyone knows that never actually happened because on my off-days I was either signing autographs, or making close up magic for my loving fans, but that was the life of The Mindfreak, always having the urge to give back to my Loyals.

I grabbed the first board from the rack then raced into the waves while jumping on the board and paddling out to where the waves were really getting high, then I turned around and stood up on the board and surfed my way back to the sandy beach. I couldn't believe how good I was doing for my first time out on the waves, but not at all shocked at it, because in my line of work I learned everything about balance, and figured I could do anything as long as I put all of my mind body and spirit connections together. I was right, I was surfing like a pro, and only managed to wipe out only once, and that was because I was slightly distracted by watching my mom running down the beach chasing of all things a chicken, U gotta know how silly it looked, and would definitely take any son's mind off the surf. Only I should have waited just a little bit longer to do my wipeout, and I would have missed the reef, but luck wasn't on my side this time, and after my fall, my head hit the reef and blood went everywhere, not that I had time to notice because due to the impact of the hit, I was once again out like a light.

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