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We finally emerged from the ocean and raced each other to the sandy beach, to tell my family the great news, that Kc and I were legally together forever. My entire family was very ecstatic for us both, but still wanted us to have a wedding party so we could actually celebrate it so after a few hours of their pleading, I told them it was fine as long as we just kept it amongst our closest friends and family only, because I didn't want to expose Kc to that much craziness all at once. Klay was looking around the island trying to locate Belinda so he could stop her scheme before it exploded on us all, but he still had no luck. When he came back he sat down in between me and Costa, while my baby was sitting on my lap, and asked if any of us had any plans on how to stop Belinda from ruining everything.

But none of us had the slightest clue on how to stop her, or even find her for that matter which was not only getting on my nerves, but it was actually beginning to worry me a little bit, just because of the nightmares I had before Kc and I went back down to have the eternal bond ritual performed. Klay gave me a pat on my shoulder and said he wasn't going to let anything happen to ruin his sister or his new brother's happiness, that he would kill first. Then out of nowhere, my mom stood up acting all excited and telling me she had a great idea to ruin any plans that Belinda could have, with just a couple of pictures from a distance.

She immediately got all of our attention, as Klay playfully sat on her lap and asked her how? Dimitra chuckled lightly at my silly new brother and said for us to simply buy some mermaid costumes and leave them in our cabana's and when or if anyone comes to claim that Kc and Klay weren't human, just to show them the costumes and tell them that it was a prank, to make a fool out of anyone that thought they saw something that could make them famous. Because in all reality, there have been so many false sightings of mythical beings, such as Bigfoot, UFO's, Lochness Monster, and strangely enough Mermaids. I jumped out of my seat and wrapped my arms around my mom and told her that was an idea of a total genius! Then I kissed her and told Costa and JD to go purchase a few mermaid suits, and have them partially hidden in the two cabana's so that when it came into question, we all could be exposed with the false evidence that we planted ourselves, so that any proof that Belinda showed to anyone would end up being fake, and she then would, in turn, become a complete laughing stock on the island, which would make me very happy.

A few hours went by and JD came out and showed us the costumes they found and how realistic the looked, then Costa took them and planted them in the two huts partially underneath the beds with bits of them exposed for people to find rather easily, then they both came back out to the firepit and enjoyed the campfire fun with us. We were telling jokes, telling scary stories, then I did a few tricks, while we roasted marshmallows and made smores. But my mom and brothers all ran away when I started blowing all the marshmallows I was eating out thru my nose and putting them back into the bag. Klay decided he was getting a little bit restless and went for a nice walk along the beach to flirt with some of the beach babes that were still partying by a small bonfire and drinking having a good time. But I had to admit the crazy bastard knew how to have fun because he was definitely being the main new attraction to all the girls that were dancing around the bonfire.

Kc smiled up at me as she was pulling me away from our campfire, and asked if I was ready to head to bed, because it was rather late, and she was getting sleepy. I gave her a slightly devilish grin and told her I would be right behind her as soon as I put out the campfire. As soon as the fire was out I ran up to our private little cabana and hopped in the bed beside her and decided to get a little frisky with her for a while. Which I had to admit she was more excited than I was, which I thought was impossible...but I have never been so wrong in my life, for after I started the fire, she completely wore my ass out, she was so full of energy, but I would never complain about it! It was the greatest experience I ever had in my entire life! 

Little did I know that we were being watched again, Belinda was now burning up with total jealousy, and the uncontrollable urge to get even either by getting back at me...or better yet getting rid of Kc for good...she gave a devilish grin to herself at the evil-hearted wickedness that she had in her mind and her heart, then disappeared into the shadows of the night. This time, however, she wasn't the only one being spied on...just out of her sights, Klay was observing her very closely and followed her into the darkness, with only one thing on his mind...which was taking care of business so his sister and I would both be safe and forever happy...no matter what the cost...because he would gladly and easily kill anyone to keep his family safe. But I was clueless about what was going on outside my hut because I was sleeping peacefully with my sweet Kc laying lovingly in my arms as she was whispering how much she has been waiting for me, and that she loved me so much, I gave her a slight squeeze and told her I loved her more, then we snuggled closer to each other and peacefully drifted off to sleep.

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