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I walked the beach looking desperately into the waters now that it was getting late in the evening, it was getting a little difficult for me to see, so after a few more glances, I stomped my foot irritated with myself for sleeping in, and told myself hopefully tomorrow she would come back so I could apologize for not making it to her. Then I slumped down and crammed my hands into my shorts pockets, and headed back to the cabana, but I couldn't sleep at all, so I walked out back to the hammock and looked up at the stars until I drifted off to sleep again while the nice breeze blew on my face that was coming from the ocean. I must have been in a deep sleep because I didn't wake up until very early that morning to the sounds of very beautiful and harmonic music.

I was so eager to get to the beachside, instead of getting out of the hammock gracefully, I flipped out of that damned thing, and landed on my ass, I chuckled to myself as I said I was so glad my family didn't see me do that, then I shook it off and raced down to the beach where the music was coming from, but when I made it to the cove I didn't see who I expected to see, it wasn't Kc my beautiful and enchanting mermaid, it was a young but exotically handsome merman, that was playing the music. I slowly sat down on the rock but remained very quiet until he noticed me and finished his music, then he swam over to me and asked me if I was the human his sister was speaking with. Which really caught me off guard that I could hear him above the water.

I shook my head yes, and asked him how was it that I could hear him above the water and not Kc. He ignored my question and pulled me into the water and ordered me to remove my shirt and toss it on the bank, then he began to play a weird tune thru his panpipes and a mystic red light slowly engulfed around me...then I felt as light as a feather and as if I was going to pass out but I didn't, when the music stopped he looked at me as if he made a huge improvement on me and said it was time to see his and his sister's world thru their eyes, as he told me to follow him. so naturally I tried to kick my legs to swim only to find that I couldn't...I looked down and instead of seeing my legs all I saw was a huge green tail!! I looked at him and panicked a little trying to move and I fell backward and went under the water.

He chuckled at me as he pulled me back up and said he guesses he's gonna have to teach me to swim first. After an hour or so, I learned how the tail and fins worked and was quite a professional...but I grabbed his arm and asked him if I would get my legs back because I don't believe I wanted to stay a humanized guppy forever. He laughed at me as he said that my legs would come back to me as soon as I touched the sand on the beach and that he was just giving me a little taste of what life under the sea was like, for his little sister's sake, because he said that she has grown quite attached to me in the last couple days. I took a wild dive under the water and swam around like a speeding bullet, it was kinda cool swimming underwater that fast and not having to go up for air because I was able to breathe underwater now.

After swimming around with him for a while, I asked him what his name was. He stopped swimming for a while and said his name was Klaytonius. I held out my hand to him to shake with him as a greeting but he just looked at my hand inquisitively. So I showed him and told him what it meant at the same time after he got the hang of it, he gave me a wide grin and shook my hand very rapidly, I think maybe he liked the new greeting a little much. Then he showed me the way Aquatica where they lived, at first all I could do was laugh at him and explain to him that I deep sea dived a lot and never found any underworld cities or villages. Klay stopped and gave me a very silly look, and said that's because before he wasn't seeing the underwater world thru merpeople's eyes.

Then he pulled me to the entrance of the rather grand underworld city made of coral reef and oddly enough the purest silver. It was breathtakingly beautiful, I followed my new found friend into the city, where I noticed an entirely new world of living beings with many different shapes and styles with water creatures living in total harmony with the merpeople. I was too busy looking around in awe, that I ran right into a shark, and instead of it trying to kill me, he spoke and said excuse me! Klay made it up to me and said he so wished I could see my expression right now. I looked at him and said that shark just spoke to me!! 

Klay chuckled and said of course he did, and that he wasn't a dumbass human anymore, he was a merman and could understand any living creature that lived in the oceans, and most of them were rather nice once a person got past the physical appearance of some of them. I shook my head and asked him where Kc was at, but he pulled me over to him and told me to hold my seahorses back, that I had to take the tour first, from him, then I had to meet his father King Triton, before I was allowed to fraternize with his youngest sister. I tried to listen to him, but I was still in mild shock of everything that was happening to me, and everything swimming around me.

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