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Right when my two brother's touched Kc's hand, they both instantly wanted to fall in love with her as well, but luckily for me Lynn put JD in his place really quick and shook him out of his daze he was in, and threatened to really knock his ass out if he kept ogling her like that. JD snickered as he wrapped his arms around his wife and said he was all good now, that it was just a spur of the moment, and she was a very adorable girl, but he added that he was a very happily married man. Costa, on the other hand, wasn't taken by any females and he was flirting up a storm with my girl, which after a while really began to ruffle my strutting feathers if you know what I mean.

But Klay assured me that it was natural for men to be attracted to her, for even though she had human legs, she was still a mermaid, and the one thing that mermaids all have in common, but some are just stronger than others is their sexual attraction to others. Because of their supernatural beauty, and the magic of their eyes. But he smacked me playfully and said I had nothing to worry about because his little sister already laid her claim on me, and once that happened there was no other male that could ever take my place. I relaxed a little bit, relieved when he said that because now I wouldn't have to worry about competition. 

Mom came out of the cabana when she saw all of us walking up the stone steps, and hollered down at me telling me never to scare her like that again! I chuckled lightly and told her she didn't need to worry, that I was fine and that I was just meeting my new love interests family. Then I formally introduced Kc to my mom, then I pulled Klay over to her and said this was Kc's older brother/bodyguard. My mom shook his hand as she told him how nice it was to meet him. Klay looked around my mom and noticed the lady with a very evil look on her face and asked who the broad in heat was. The way he described his question made all of us look to where he was looking, and I told him very quickly that he didn't want no part of the bitch, and that she was my ex-girlfriend, Belinda.

Kc looked over at her and Belinda gave her a very evil glare, then made a very distasteful finger gesture, that Kc didn't understand, but by her actions, she knew it was pleasant or friendly and asked why she hated her. I looked over at Belinda then told Kc as I kissed her on the nose not to pay her any attention, that she was just full of hate and jealousy because I didn't want nothing to do with her anymore. Klay went over to his sister and spoke to her in a very strange language, that none of us ever heard before, then Kc shook her head in understandment, then walked up to me and said nothing would ever come between me and her. I picked her up and kissed her on the neck and told her she definitely had that right. We all went into the cabana and had a nice family dinner, as we all became rather heavy in conversation with each other, which was the best time for me to take Klay outside and ask him what language they were speaking earlier.

Klay snickered at me and said that the language was Nauticus, the language of their people, and no human could speak it or understand it. I looked over at him and asked him if he could teach it to me. Klay slapped my shoulder playfully and said he could give it a try, but most humans were too dense to figure it out. I quickly changed the subject and asked him if Kc knew what sexual attraction was, or if she would freak out if I tried to make moves on her. Klay pulled me very close to him and told me I needed to keep my pride tucked, because merpeople don't have sex like humans do, and she wouldn't understand at all. I looked over at him and said but he knows all about human sexual contact. He looked up at me and said that he's been changing his form from merman to human for a very long time, and he knew all about the human love muscle, and rather enjoyed it a hell of a lot more than how they did it under the sea, that the human way was a lot more hands-on and more physical.

I looked over at him and asked him if Triton gave her the gift of being human for me to be with her, why couldn't I BE with her. Klay put me in a brotherly headlock and said because if I knocked her up, she would have to stay human, and couldn't go back to being a mermaid because they don't give birth the same way. I looked at him and said and the point was what exactly, because I thought that's why Triton allowed her to come with me, and if I couldn't be with her, he needed to take her back, because bitch teasing me wasn't cool at all, it was like window shopping without money, I could look and drool for her, but I wasn't ever allowed to touch or have. Then I added irritatingly that it was not only very wrong, but it was total Bullshit! Especially when I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her, and eventually have a family with her if it was at all possible.

Klay looked at me and said if I really meant that, then before I was allowed to have any fraternization with her, that I needed to make the eternal bond with her first, then he could do all the sexual play he wanted to whether it was human style or merman style. I looked at him and said I had to marry her first? Klay turned to me and said no I had to go back to their father and perform the eternal bond ceremony with her, then I could have all the sexual play I wanted, whether it was human style or merman style I wanted, because we would then belong to each other forever. Then Klay went back inside to speak with my brothers before bed, and left me outside staring at the stars for a few minutes, and said to myself obviously the eternal bondage thing was more permanent than human marriage, then I spun around and headed to bed in the cabana, where Kc was already sound asleep and I plopped in beside her, wrapped around her and fell asleep instantly.

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