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Three days came and went, and still, there was no sign of Belinda anywhere. Klay began to think that maybe she was just a blowhard and nothing was going to happen, but I knew better, if there was any way for her to cause me trouble and or pain, she would do it no matter who else was involved, it was just a matter of time before the official strike actually began. My family finally got used to the fact, that I was in love with Kc and would do anything to make her mine forever, so they humored me and spent a lot of time with her to get to know her, once they got used to her, they all found out the same thing I knew right when I laid eyes on her...they fell in love with her too. Klay, on the other hand, was a little bit harder to get used too, for he was a wild and crazy ass sort of guy.

It was on the day that I decided to promise Kc that I would go back under the sea with her and make the deal with her father Triton about sharing that eternal bond with her because I was tired of waiting, I wanted her now and forever. My mom took a short walk with me as she asked me if I was sure I wanted to do that permanent bond thing with Kc, because it couldn't be undone once it was done, and it was worrying her just a little bit because she knew how I ticked most of the time plus for the fact, that I could never make up my mind on what type of girl I wanted to be with, so I just had several different females for the different moods I had. I gave my mommy a hug as I chuckled lightly to her and said those diverse days are so over with, and now all I wanted was to be with Kc forever, that I haven't even so much as looked at another female since I met Kc, then I added very seriously that I never would want too, because the heart that I had was completely filled by Kc.

My mom gave me one more slight squeeze and said as long as I was certain all she would do was wish me the best and that she would be honored and welcome her with open arms into the family. I turned away from her and let her go back to the cabana where my brothers and their girlfriends were, and I slowly headed back down toward the beach, where Klay and Kc were waiting for me by the cove. Once I made it between them I removed my shoes, socks, and shirt, and asked them if they were as ready as I was to do this thing. Kc gave me a solid kiss and said she has never been more ready. Klay pulled out his panpipes, and as we all walked into the water he began to play, as soon as we all took a dive under the water, our legs were magically transformed back into scales, tails, and fins along with the automatic gills that were conveniently hidden behind the ears.

After a few hours of mindless playing around I told Klay I was ready to head to the underwater fortress so I could arrange the eternal bond thing with Kc's father. Klay snickered at me and asked me what the rush was, because he wanted me to hang with him in his world for a while, because for as much as he loved hanging topside on land with all the humans, he kinda missed his homeland, so to speak, and really wanted me to hang with him for at least a couple days before I made the bond with Kc and left the ocean with her for good. I gave my future brother a loving hug and told him that we could do that after Kc and I made the bond thing, then I added rather humorously that just because I wanted to live topside with Kc, didn't mean that we would never come back to visit. Because to be completely honest, I really did love it down here with all the underwater beauty, and new friends I managed to attract during my first visit down here weeks ago.

Once Klay heard me say that he settled down and took me straight to his father King Triton, because in order for the eternal bond ceremony to happen, Klay tried to inform me of the initiation rite of passage in order for me to share the bond with Kc I had to fight one of her brothers in combat and win before I was considered good enough to marry her. I looked at him as I asked him if I had to fight him because I knew there was no way in hell I could ever win that battle because I saw him fight, and I would be way in over my head if I ever got on his bad side. Luckily Klay told me that Kc had several brothers both older and younger than her, and it would be Kc's choice to choose my challenger.

Klay showed me to the castle's main hall and pointed out their six brothers. I looked at them all and suddenly I did something very involuntary because they were a lot bigger than Klay was and carrying huge spears and swords made of swordfish bone. I moved in toward Klay and asked him if it was too late for me to fight him because they were much more intimidating to me. Klay smiled at me and said he beat the fuck out of all of his brothers and they were just big, and not bad at all, but if Kc chose him to fight me, I would not only get my ass kicked, but I also wouldn't be able to be with his sister because he doesn't roll over for anyone friend or foe. I looked back over at his brothers and wished to myself that Kc would pick the smallest one out of them, moments later King Triton and Kc entered the room and took their seats on the primary and secondary thrones at the top of the stairs, everyone gathered around the main hall and patiently waited for Kc to choose her challenger while I waited alone in the middle of the circle. I swam to the edge of the circle and whispered to Klay and told him I was way out of my zone, and that I wasn't even sure if I could fight Merman style because I was still learning how to motivate with the damned tail.

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