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For the next several days I was going thru the vacation in a trance, I went to the same spot by the cove every day several times a day hoping that she would come back so I could see her. My entire family began to wonder and slightly worry about me thinking that maybe I hit my head a little too hard on the coral, or sucked in a little too much of the ocean's salt water. But I knew if I tried explaining it to my family they for one wouldn't believe me, and for two, they would think I completely lost my mind. Not that I could blame them because if any of them claimed to have seen it instead of me, I wouldn't have believed them either, but for me seeing and touching is believing, and this was the second time she's saved my life.

I was mindlessly sitting on one of the rocks while tossing a few cards up in the air when a gust of wind blew one of my cards into the ocean, where I saw a beautiful hand emerge from the water, and caught the card. Then she slowly emerged herself from her waist up and swam over to me and held out the card for me to take. I gave her a little smile, and accepted the card, then smiled to myself when I noticed which card it was, the Queen of Hearts. I moved closer to the water as I lowered my feet in the water and began talking to her. I thought I was alone on the beach, but I was wrong, for not too far from me, was Belinda looking down on us from the top of the cove green-eyed with jealousy, but she thought she was just an ordinary girl that I was flirting with, that just loved swimming.

She didn't stick around long enough to see the other half of her, because she was too wrapped up in her hatred, and ran to the cabana to blow up at my family for bringing her here just to see me flirt with some young floosie. But I was too lost in the moment with her to know anything around me, and as soon as I finished talking with her, I removed my shirt and took a dive into the water and dunked myself so I could listen to her talk for a while in between me going up for some air, then going back under again. After a couple of hours of me playing a human bobber going over and under the water, I comically told her I wished I could breathe underwater, so I could actually have a real and entire conversation with her. She smiled at me and said that she could make it happen for 24 hours but she would have to get her father's staff, to do it with then she added that she really wanted to show me her world under the sea. I knew her name, but I was terrible at pronouncing it, so I asked her if I could call her Kc. She gave me a hug and said it was a pretty name, then she tried to swim off as said she would be back later, to grant me that wish, but before she could, I grabbed her hand gently and asked for a kiss. She looked at me and questioned me about what a kiss was.

I gently pulled her close to me and touched my lips to hers, she backed away rather quickly and touched her own mouth then asked what was the purpose of the gesture. I giggled lightheartedly at her and said that it was a way for a guy to show a girl affection, that I liked her. She swam swiftly around me and touched her nose with mine, and said that was how her people showed affection, that and rubbing fins with each other. I smiled at her and said that would be a good way too if I had fins. She gave me a slight cooing then did a jump and gave me a splash than before I knew it she was gone again. My family was now all standing on the beach waiting for me to swim back to shore, so they all could ask me what was going on, and where was this girl I was so fascinated with.

I walked thru the white sands, as I grabbed the towel that was hanging around Costa's neck, and dried myself off with, then comically handed him his towel back. Then I looked at my mom and told her that no one would believe me, even if I tried to explain it to them, and it was best if they just let it go, then I looked over at Belinda and told her to keep her nosey ass out of my affairs, because she had no part of them or me anymore. Then I stormed off to the cabana to grab a bite to eat, then take a nap for a couple hours, just to give Kc enough time to go to her home and bring back whatever it was that she wanted to show me. So after eating, I went out to the hammock and crashed for a while, and as I slept I dreamt of her, only instead of scales, fins, and a tail, she had human legs and I was showing her around in my world. Then throughout all the different visions I had, the final dream was me marrying her right here down by the beach with both of us standing in that very cove where she placed me after she rescued me for the second time.

It was such a beautiful dream that when I woke up I was actually smiling thinking she would be laying there beside me. But I noticed it wasn't real and shook it off, as I checked the time on my watch. Then I looked down at the beach and told myself that I slept in, and she probably had come and left already when I didn't show up. Then I slapped myself on the head and raced down the sandy beach until I reached the cove and began to holler out for her apologizing for being so late hoping she was still around to hear me.

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