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Kc came back out of the water and as soon as she touched the sand her tail turned back into legs as she told Dimitra that as long as her and her brother stayed away from the ocean they would appear totally human, but if their feet touched the water, they would automatically transform back to what they truly were. Dimitra slowly stood up and walked with her back to the cabana, as she asked her if she was doing all of this just because she was in love with me. Kc looked down and said there was no other reason, and that she was willing to give up her underworld life as a mermaid just to be with me.

Meanwhile, back on the far side of the island, Belinda was showing her photos to a few glory hunters willing to pay her half a million dollars if she could come up with proof that her photos weren't enough for the money because they could have been photoshopped in. Belinda held out her hand and said she would be more than happy to take them to the exact location where they were at, but she added very quickly that if they were on land they would appear to look like ordinary people. They all looked at her as they all laughed at her and said she was so full of shit, that sightings of Mermaids have been lurking on this island for decades, and not once has anyone ever had solid proof that they existed. 

Belinda showed them the closeup picture of Kc and Klay and said that she knew for a fact, that they were real because she saw them first hand, and that her boyfriend was in love with one! Then she stormed out of the building and said that was why she was wanting them found, so I couldn't be happy with her because she would have to either go back to the world she came from or hunted forever by people looking to make a quick buck in capturing the very first mermaid. Most of the hunters ignored her rantings, but two of them decided to humor themselves and follow her, just in case she wasn't full of shit, and they didn't have anything else better to do. 

Klay and the rest of us finally made it back to the cabana without any luck in finding Belinda or the pictures, I didn't even get sat down in the chair good when my mother grabbed me up and told me she needed to talk to me...by the look on her face Klay and I both knew that Kc told or showed her what she was. Jd and Costa went to their rooms and said they were taking a much-needed sleep because Klay and I had them worn ragged searching for Belinda. Klay grabbed his little sister and walked her back to the beach, and told her it would be safer if she went back home until all of this blew over. Kc wrapped her arms around her brother and said she couldn't leave, she needed to stay with me no matter what. Klay playfully growled at her and said she was so damned stubborn. Kc kissed him on the cheek and said she got it from her big brother, then she pulled him back to the cabana and said that as long as they stayed away from the ocean water, no one would ever have proof that they were anything but human.

I was out on the other side of the beach telling my mom how much I was crazy about her, and the slight fact, that she was part fish didn't bother me in the slightest, and I was more than willing to share the rest of my life with her. My mom gave me a big hug and said she was so happy that I finally found that kind of love with a girl, then she kissed me on the cheek and asked me just to be careful because she didn't want to take any chance that she loses her youngest boy, especially if Belinda gets her way and gets a huge group of glory hunters tracking those two down wanting to make a name for themselves by being the first people to capture two living mermaids. I wrapped my arm around my mom as we went back inside the cabana, and told her that Kc was going to be my wife, and Klay my brother in law, and I would never let anything happen to my family, that it was my job to keep my family protected at all costs.

I silently slid around Klay and laid down on the outer edge of the bed next to Kc and wrapped my arms around her and tried to get some rest, but every time I tried to sleep, I would have nightmares, that prize hunters tracked down and trapped her and Klay and took them away to some aquarium to exploit, and run hundreds of tests on to see how they were made, while trying to force them to tell them where and how to get to their underwater world. Then when they got to the electric shock tortures on them I woke up in cold sweats and slightly screaming, but thankfully they were internal screams and didn't wake everyone up.

But Kc did wake up for she sensed my tension and asked me if I was ok, as she wrapped her arms around me. I held onto very closely and kissed her on the forehead and told her that it was just a bad dream and that everything was going to be fine, then as I watched her relax and go back to sleep I silently added I hoped to the end of my comment, then tried to snuggle down with her and go back to sleep, hoping like hell that Belinda was caught and taken care of before anything bad was to happen to Klay or Kc, because of that no account bitch. Klay sat up and silently walked out of the cabana and sat down in one of the chairs and looked up at the stars.

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