Twenty Three...

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Erica Mena

I still can't believe my princess is here it's surreal. The first night was pretty rough since it was just Cyn and I but the nurses helped us get the hang of it. My daughter is so perfect and I know she's going to be a heartbreaker but she's not dating until she turns 35.

I just hope a pray she doesn't run into someone who is like me or I would be going to jail for murder. Now that she's here I have to protect her from everything and these lil niggas is the first thing I'm going to start with it.

I was laying on the couch while Erin was laying in the baby bed they brought in here by Cyn.

I couldn't sleep I was just watching them and making sure they were okay. I grabbed my phone and put on my headphones and grabbed my notebook and paper out my bag. Laying down and listening to the beat I made. The lyrics started flowing and I wrote some down.

From the first time the doctor placed you in my arms
I knew I'd meet death before I'd let you meet harm
Although questions arose in my mind, would I be woman enough?

Baby cries

I took my earphones out and got off the couch and went to her bed.

"What's wrong with daddies princess." I kissed her forehead and she made noises.

I laid her down and changed her diaper then placed her on Cyn's boob making sure she latched on.

Once she was finished I burped her and she went back to sleep and I sat down on the couch and admired her. She's so perfect I don't know why my birth parents couldn't look at me and feel the way I feel about my little girl right now.

I would never let her go through the things I went through. She is never going to have to want for nothing. She's going to get the world I don't care how spoiled she gets.

"I love you princess. I promise that I will always be here for you, I'm never going to leave. I know I'm young and I'm probably going to make mistakes since you're my first but I'm going to try hard to make sure you're happy and achieve all your goals in life. If nobody else got you just know I do." I said and started tearing up. I placed her in her bed and sat back on the couch thinking.

"I need to get my life together."

Laying back I closed my eyes and dozed off.


Faint cries

I jumped up and seen Cyn was holding her and I smiled.

"What's wrong with my princess?" I asked getting up.

"Nothing she's mad because I woke her up to burp her." I laughed and walked to the bathroom. Flushing the toilet I washed my hands and brushed my teeth.

Walking back out the nurse was talking to Cyn and I just listened.

"She's ready to go home but she needs to come back for her one month shots."

"Okay thank you." Cyn signed the papers while I washed and dressed Erin.

" Cyn signed the papers while I washed and dressed Erin

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