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Grandmother. Such a fascinating word, a word that brings a great amount of nostalgia to a person. Grandmas just feel like home, they light up the room wherever their tiny feet step, they make the house smell like freshly baked cookies on a winters day, she leaves the air smelling like a cinnamon and vanilla hug that engulfs you in a world of happiness, love and sunshine. Grandmas make you feel safe from the dangers of the world, from the dangers of pain, from the dangers of yourself

Pain. Such a fascinating word, a world that makes people cringe in fear. Pain makes them hide in their shells like a snail guarding itself from a predator. Pain to most people is like a predator and them the prey; pain eats a person from the inside out. "That's only if you let it", most people say." You don't know my pain", says another. How is pain different when it leaves everyone on the ground dropping to its feet, begging it to take mercy on them, your pain or my pain, there's no difference when it comes to pain as a whole, pain is a feeling that demands to be felt, felt by the beholder, deemed to be felt, one day everyone is going to feel pain, there's no point in saying you're safe, pain will catch up to you and it will attack, it will gnaw at your heart, it will break you, it will rip you to shreds, it will knock you down , it will make you wonder what did I do so wrong , it will batter and beat your heart to a pulp ,trust me it will ,why because pain caught up to me and right now im feeling the consequences of taking pain for granted . Isn't pain amazing?

Now let me tell you about happiness, do you want to know what happiness really means to me and the world, is it just a feeling we feel when situations are good or is it a defense mechanism we put upon to shield ourselves from the world and to hide our true dark emotions of pain, do we smile because we are happy or do we smile for the sake of looking happy to the world, what is happiness? Why are we so afraid of people finding out we are not happy? Turn over to a new page and lets find out what happiness truly is.

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