Chapter 11:

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1 year later: Graduation Day.

Being complete is something that I had not been able to feel ever since 22 August 2017. I did not know who I was half of the time. Death took away a part of me, but God had given me Lucas and he was slowly making me whole again. He was slowly begining to show me who I truly am. I managed to put all of the drama of my life aside and I graduated school with excellent results. Lucas had done exceptionally well and was going to be crowned valedictorian of our year. Today was our graduation day.

And as I looked at myself in the mirror as I patted down my gold dress I knew that my grandmother would be really proud of me. I have come a long way since her death and nothing or no one has any might strong enough to bring me down. I heard a honk outside and I knew that Lucas was outside waiting to pick me up so that we could go back to our school for the very last times as students. Lucas and I had both gotten into Yale university and we were extremely excited to being there this summer. As we arrived at the school a bitter sweet emotion came over me. So much happened in such a small space of time. I had met my best friend who turned out to be my worst enemy and potentially my murderer. I met my second best friend who turns out to now be gay. I hope he meets a cute gay guy and adopts cute little babies. I met Lucas who I hated at first for wetting me. This school had a lot of memories but boy was I ready to get out of here.

The ceremony was about to start and the teachers had called the class of 2018 to the stage area. Lucas was called up to give his valedictorian speech and he did it perfectly and then he stopped. Got the mic of the podium and began to speak again. "This school as thought me many lessons that I will take on a cherish in life, but the most important lesson that it has thought me is that we all should appreciate the people that walks through the depths of hell for you. I have found that person and I plan to cherish her for many years to come. Gemma would you come up here please." He stopped and waited for me to walk up. "What is going on Lucas ?" I asked. He kissed my hand and spoke again. "Gemma as we leave the place that made us happen I would like to take this moment to" he stopped and got down on one knee and I was freaked out. "Don't look like I just ate you cat sweetheart. This is not a proposal although that will come too. This is a promise ring. For today I promise to protect you from the dangers of the world. I promise to love you and I promise to never stop cherishing you" he placed the ring on my finger and got up to hug me.

Then suddenly a feeling of uncertainty fell over me. "Stop right there" came a voice. It was Julia. I thought she was dead. And all I knew next was that I heard shots fired and I was falling ,when i hit the ground and my world turned black I  once more I knew that whenever a good thing happens in my life so too does a bad one and this time I may not be as lucky as the last.

Lucas's POV.

I was in a state of shock to say the least. I'd thought Julia was dead but guess where thought had gotten me. I ran over to the ambulance that Gemma's body was about to go it and as I stepped inside the ambulance I felt an atmosphere that left jitters to my spine. It was a frightening feeling. I brushed it off as just being scared about on going to the hospital again with Gemma in case she looses her memory for good this time. I had worked so hard to get her back and now I finally have. Gemma meant so much to me and I would do anything it takes in order to make her truly happy and I would do anything to shield her from this horrid world.

My phone rang and I took it out and answered without even looking at the caller ID "may I help you" I asked in quiet a rude manner. "Lucas its Josh, where is Gemma ?" Unfortunately Josh was not at the graduation ceremony because he was out of town doing his mandatory training to become an army veteran. I told him what had happened at the ceremony and like big babies we both started sobbing. "Josh I don't know what I will do if she looses her memory once again or worse doesn't make it out alive" I said sounding very helpless. "You really do love her don't you?" He said with a glimmer of admiration in his voice.

I took in a large breath and began to speak. "I love her yes I really do. I love her when she has tears streaming down her face and her eyes hold hope yet look so broken. I love her at her moments of hardship when she's feeling lost and vulnerable to the world. In love her when she's angry, when her face and ears turn red, her eyes swell up with tears and when she folds her arms and doesn't look at me. I love her when she has no makeup on for at that time I see her in her purest form. I love her when she smile at me. When she laughs so hards she falls on the floor. I love her in her happy mood just as much in her sad. For her eyes sparkle and she's just so beautiful. Long story short I love her , all of her" and I ended the call.

"Such a sweet boy you are " came a voice I seemed to have known. "To bad those are going to be your last words" came another voice. And when I looked out of the window I realized that we were indeed not driving to a hospital but rather a mountains edge. The "paramedics" were Phoebe and Julia and this was going to be our death. Gemma and I had so much more to live for but this was going to be it. I looked over at Gemma's almost lifeless body and I kissed her forehead. At least if I'm dying Im dying with my true love next to me.

Third persons POV

And with that, Phoebe and Julia jumped out of the moving van. And Gemma and Lucas met their tumbling death. The van skid to the edge of the mountain and tipped over and hit a trigger that set the van alight. Gemma and Lucas became burnt and blackened so that  their bodies met their souls and turned them as black on the outside as they were on the inside.

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