Chapter 5:

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Lucas's Pov:

Many people think that I am the perfect person. Got the looks and the grades and that I have a bright future ahead of me. Yet in order to walk into my bright future I need to forget about my dark past and I couldn't seem to do that. All of the memories were stuck with me like glue, gnawing at my mind and messing me up. I was once an extremely happy child, full of life , I was so happy that whenever I smiled I would make others happy. Now whenever I smile the memories flow back, I see her face, I hear her words, I feel the pang in my heart, it all comes back.

I never thought I would find someone that understood me for me , the broken me nor did I think I would find someone as close to being as broken as I am and then at that moment that I was about to give up I saw her, I saw an angel from heaven itself. I couldn't get over her beauty, her long brown hair and green eyes pulled me into this world of sunshine and rainbows. She was magnificent. I soon realized that this angel had some dented wings and I couldn't help but still fall for her, when I saw her at her worst with tears streaming down her face and grazed wrists ,heart breaking with every sob that came out of her mouth i couldn't help but think that she was perfect . And then reality sunk in I wasnt even near close to perfect. Where does the core of the pain begin? Where does the dept of the distruction lay? Where does the blackening of my soul grow from? Where does it all start ? You may ask. Let me transport you back a good couple of years to a 6 year old Lucas who saw the last of his happiness curled up and bleeding to death via the neck because a deranged mother could not seem to stay honest to her family.

It started on a warm summers day, there was a rather peaceful feeling in the atmosphere and everything seemed to feel just right. In a world where everything fitted into place we as people have come to figure out that to every up there's a down and I was about to meet my down. Little me was so excited to have his first soccer game this coming Saturday I begged and pleaded my dad to be there. You see my dad was always working resulting in us not having a good relationship or a relationship to start of with , he believed in work before family and money over everything , he worked himself to points of being sick and he worked himself so much that he bagan pushing my mum away. He said he would try to be there but I continued to beg and plead for him to be there. I really wanted him there no matter what. I needed him there. And I was going to make him sacrifice anything for him to be there for me and little did I know he was about to make the biggest sacrifice for me.

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