Chapter 1:

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Happiness is a nine-letter word that signifies light, color and hope in the darkness. A feeling everyone wanted to feel
Meet Gemma your typical sun kissed skin girl, long blonde hair cascading her shoulders everywhere she walks, cherry blossom lips always classed with a smile that reached her eyes
Gemma used to be the happiest girl on the block always laughing, singing and playing her guitar to the beats of the sunrise, key words USED TO BE!

Emotions are little people waiting to get out of your head whenever situations become too much to handle. Gemma never let her emotions get the better of her she always held her head up high and smiled. Isn't it funny how one situation can turn a girl's world so up side down that she learns to forget who she once was.

All it took was for one winters morning, a last breath to be taken, a casket brought, flowers put, grave dug, goodbyes said and tears shed and no one not even Gemma would see the same her ever again. Normal is now not her friend, happiness her enemy, anxiety her right hand man, suffering her everyday and heartache her normal. In a world where good people are scarce, heroes try and fail, angels come and go. Sickness and death became the sinister robber of her hero, her angel and her good person.

Waking up everyday to a world that was filled with sunshine and smiles was everything that Gemma looked forward to but now she could not bear the moments where her eyes opened and her heart cried in longing for her hero. Waking up in a world that did not contain her grandmother became an unbearable task that Gemma did not want to face. Don't get Gemma wrong she thanked God everyday for the privileges of the breath of fresh air everyday but lately those breaths have been feeling like glass piercing through her lungs and pulling away at her ability to breath without pain

All Gemma wished for was to wake up in a world where she could see the sweet smile of her grandmother as she sat on her specific couch, strongest tea at hand, gentle lips sipping away. All she prayed for was to wake up in a world where she would smell the fresh scent of blueberry muffins and vanilla butter something her grandmother would prepare daily. All she prayed for is to hold her wrinkle clad hands one more time. All she prayed for was to wake up and dance around the house to her grandmothers 80's jazz music playing in the background. Prayed for one more hug. Prayed for one more advice session. Prayed to just see that beautiful face again.

Scars are a sign of a battle well fought people see it and they praise you for a job well done however death leaves scars that no one sees, big scars, emotional scars, death leaves an emotional turmoil, an emotional thunderstorm, a tsunami, waiting, flowing, growing and at the right moment engulfs you in a tidal wave of heartache and suffering that leaves you on the ground feeling hopeless and vulnerable to the world. Till death do us apart never felt so gruesome.

She's a beautiful piece of broken pottery so miraculously put back together by her own hands and has the world judges her cracks and fails to see the real beauty behind a broken soul mending herself up and facing the world one day has it comes, her time of suffering began in a building, a building of pain , a building of suffering, a building of crying, a building of stubbiness and a building of eventual death ,let me tell you about this beautiful building ...


Let me take you back a couple of months to a big building filled with doctors and nurses who are supposed to help the sick, let me take you back to a place where the sick get sicker and the patients die at the hands of nurses. Let me take you back to a place we call a hospital.

It was a normal day for me I got up in the morning, took a long relaxing bath and went about my day at school. It was a normal day until I came home only to find out that my granny had been taken to the hospital because she had fallen extremely ill. I did not know how to feel nor how to express what I was feeling , what was I supposed to feel?
I just sat down and screamed ,screamed because from that moment on I knew nothing would ever be the same again. I would never be the same again. That was one step into a very dark future that was about to come. I went to see her that night and I will never forget that smile that she gave me , so radiant , a smile that I would long to see in the days to come. She looked me in the eye and said these words with a twinkle of hope in hers and the utmost happiness that in would take time out to come and see her "missing your grandma" she said and I would never have thought that those would be the last proper words that she would tell me with a steady mind and a functioning body.

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