Chapter 6:

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Third persons POV:

She knew she was dying, she knew that her soul was slowly slipping sway from her body and at that moment when she saw white and felt her body slowly floating to a huge gate, with angels on either side she knew she was dead , she knew that she was in heaven. So this is what death feels like she wondered. She finally knew what heaven looked like. There in front of her stood 2 angels. One with wings as white as snow, with long black hair tied up in a braid and the other with wings that looked like the forest so stunning , sticking with the colours of emerald green.

The angels opened the gates of heaven for her and she began walking, every step felt like she was floating on clouds and when she looked down she noticed that she was walking on pure gold. People think that they have it all on Earth yet a lavish car means nothing when you are walking on pure gold ready to reside next to God, ready to rest in a room he picked out for you when he knew that your time on Earth was up and when he sees your tired face. But the thing is ,she wasn't led to God, she wasn't led to the room she thought God had prepared for her, she was led to a place where there was a big screen and on that screen she saw herself laying on a hospital bed, with tubes placed in her nose and she saw herself connected to a life support machine, she saw her brother and Lucas both laying at the end of her hospital bed praying for their dear lives.

Although she couldn't hear what was going on she knew that they were praying for her , she knew that they didn't know that she was already dead and her soul was now in heaven. Then everything stopped , the entire atmosphere changed and it almost felt dream like. The big screen now turned into a mirror and she looked at herself and began examining her life as it flashed before her eyes. She began to question her choices and she asked herself the biggest question. Why was Lucas by her bed side after all of those harsh words that he threw at her? And as she was begging to look for the answers ,she lifted her head up to look at the mirror again and there she saw an angel she's been praying to see ever since she left her.

She saw her grandmother dressed in a white robe with the prettiest set of platinum wings she as ever seen , she looked so peaceful. She was standing there because she knew that her grandmother was her guardian angel. She turned around and looked her grandmother in her eyes and she began to cry and then the one thing she wanted for such a long time , her angel grandmother took her in her arms, she wrapped her arms around her and Gemma sunk her head into her grandmothers shoulders and began to sob even more. No one knew for sure why Gemma was crying so much not even Gemma herself, maybe it was because she was finally in her grandmothers arms again or maybe because she knew that she was leaving her brother behind but all Gemma knew was that she didn't want to be here, she didn't want to die so soon and she knew that her grandmother knew that too.

So exactly like how  she remembered her grandmother giving her advice, her grandmother sat them both down and began to speak "sweetheart you see that boy at your bedside, he never meant what he said. I can't tell you why he did what he did darling but I can tell you that right now he's even more messes up than when you first met him. I can tell you that everyday for the 3 months that you have been in this state of a coma he's been at your bedside and everyday when he leaves he blames himself and the day you decide that your body has had enough he is never going to forgive himself. Darling the boy is already blamed for his fathers death so let him not be blamed for yours, he already got a beating of a life time from joshy boyand as she said that the big screen came back and Gemma saw for the first time a violent brother , she saw on that screen Josh beating Lucas to a pulp, he was punching him AMD screaming at him and then she saw him in a jail cell, sitting against the wall and sobbing his eyes out, she knew he did this all because he just wants his sister back. The screen disappeared and her grandmother spoke again. "Now darling it was nice seeing you here and it was nice talking to you. You know that I never knew  about many things in life but what I do know right now darling is that this is not your time and God does not have your room ready for he is giving yo a second Chance at life. Make it count darling." She said these last words  whilst fading away " I love you Gemma baby, till we meet again when your time is right , make me proud darlingand with that Gemma felt her body floating again and this time it stopped and her eyes shot open and all she heard was a shocked gasp.

She woke up and looked around her but she couldn't seem to figure out where she was or who she was either , she felt like she was in someone else's body in someone else's world , she felt like she was in someone's dream and she was sitting there waiting for that person to wake up. She just sat there , sat there as the doctors did tests, as they poked and prodded at her arms, taking her vitals and drawing blood samples yet she couldn't for the life of her remember why she was in the hospital. Lucas ran by her side and kissed her cheek and she felt extremely weird she didn't even know who this random guy was that was kissing her cheek. He began apologizing and she didn't know what for. Then another guy came up to her and hugged her and began sobbing and mumbling something along the lines of "I'm so glad you're alive", and "why would you do this to me"  She sat up once again, looked around once more like a lost puppy then looked straight at the guys and said the one thing nobody wanted to hear and the doctors feared most "who am I?"...

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