Chapter 12:

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Gemmas life was turned upside down ever since the first funeral came upon her. Now the tables have turned drastically and her funeral will turn other people's life upside down. Lucas and her had died instantly, the crash had broken their ribs which in turn punched their hearts. They received 3rd degree burns throughout their bodies and we're rendered unidentifiable. No one could tell who was who.

Gemma and Lucas died with love in their hearts and it showed because the only organ that was not burnt was their hearts. It shows that neither of them died with broken hearts. Their love for one another was unexplainable and they came along way only for their lives to be cut short. Today was the day of the funeral and everyone was quiet. No one knew what to say and how to say it. No one even knew how to act. There was a sense of gloom over the town. Gemma and Lucas were going to have a military style funeral because they were the towns strongest soldiers. The only somber thing was that because of the burns it was a closed casket.

Two caskets of people that were once known as lively, once known had people who battle their demons and lived life to the fullest. A guitarist and an artist once met under hilarious circumstances and fell in love. They had their entire life ahead of them. When the caskets came. A surreal sense​ fell over the entire community that was present at the funeral. Everyone had to bring flowers and a candle. The ceremony began and the choir began to sign hymn​s for both of them. Each song represented a stage of their lives. Gemma and Lucas were like the best love story you have ever read. Slowly you started coming to the end of the book and you realised that this story would not be getting rid off until you burn the pages. No one knows for sure why Julia and Phoebe did what they did, but my take is that they both were jealous of the story that was unfolding before their eyes.

Once the ceremony was over it was time to burry the caskets and it was then when it hit everyone that the towns smartest power couple were robbed of their opportunities to live life, get married and have children ,have careers and be something of themselves. As the caskets were dropped down, docs were released. The doves represented the purity in the love that they had. They were both broken soul that joined together to fix each other and there's nothing more pure than that. On each doves legs were name takes that had both of their names on it and once the caskets were laid down completely next to each other. Two doves flew over them and touched beaks. Gemma and Lucas died with love for one another and now may their soul rest in peace with one another. This was not a funeral but instead it was a wedding for their souls were now tied to one another in heaven and they would not have to face any of the evilness that the earth had to offer.

Josh was devastated. He had lost his happiness and his reason to live. He became so depressed that he locked himself up in his room and vouched to never come out of it. He had broken ties with Zoe for he was to much of a mess to love her. He was much more broken than Gemma ever was. For her lost his grandmother , sister and brother-in-law. He lost everything that he ever lived for and he did not want to live any longer. Josh went into the bathroom and filled the tub up with ice, which he then toped of with water. He was going to drown himself. He stripped down and got into the tub and as he was about to submurge his head into the chilling water, a white light appears and an angel stands in front of him.  It was Gemma, she lifted him out of the water and carried him to the bed, she healed him. Gemma became the angel of healing just like her grandmother.

She laid him on the bed and began to sing him a song and once she was done she leaned down and whispered in his ear. "I'm always here big brother. Live your life and find love like I did. Make your life worth it because you never know which day is your last. You were always there to protect me and now I'm going to be there to protect you as well. I love you big brother forever and always." And then the light was gone and Josh was in a deep sleep

Gemma was always a person to put others before herself and this was evident even in her death where she came down to earth to bring her brother back to life. She was truly an angel in her living and dying self. Gemma was beautiful and broken and she somehow made that combination work.

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