SnEeZeY bReAzY

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A/N - Get ready to cringe and get ready to ShNeEzE

Y/N's POV -

I fin(n)ally get to meet Finn Wolfhard! I've had a huge crush on him ever since first watching Stranger Things, and I've been waiting to meet him for almost a year, and I finally have the chance. He's holding a meet and greet in a nearby town and I am going TODAY! Finn might not know who I am, but I still can't wait to meet him.

- Time skip brought to you by SMASH MOUTH because All Star is a meme -

I see him! I can see him! I'm only a few people away in the line from getting to meet him, hug him, and take a picture with him! I couldn't be happier today, and the people in front of me are dwindling by the second it seems. Soon I'm the next up to meet Finn. The person in front of me is done and I approach Finn. All of a sudden Finn sneezes, all over me. (A/N - Ok cringe/disgust warning depending on how squeamish and whatever you are.) "Umm... oh my goodness I'm so sorry!" Finn exclaims while wiping his nose on his sleeve. "Let me take you to the bathroom to get you all cleaned up." Finn grabs my hand and leads me towards a bathroom. His snot is all in my hair and a bit on my glasses. (A/N - Please, for goodness sake, just pretend you have them or void the part about glasses.) I remove my glasses with my free hand and hold them as Finn rushes me through crowds of people. The paparazzi are snapping pictures every step we take. I feel so uncomfortable with my appearance considering I have Finn's snot coating part of my hair. Finn turns around and gives me a devilish grin. "I didn't catch your name." He says, the grin spreading from ear to ear. 

"Oh, I'm Y/N." I say. Finn smiles, but this time not with the same devilish aspect. It's a really cute smile. 

"I like that name." He says as we reach the bathroom. He ushers me inside the bathroom and follows me in, closing and locking the door. 

"Umm, why do we have to be locked in?" I ask skeptically, raising an eyebrow at Finn.

"You don't know how many people try to walk in on me while I'm in the bathroom on a daily basis." Finn says, turning on the faucet and attempting to help get some of his snot out of my hair. I giggle at his attempts and he claims that he is "trying." I help him and we touch hands. I look back at Finn and he puts his hands on my waist. I put my hands over his hands and look back at him. He starts to lean in and I don't really know what to do.

"How do I know you don't do this with all your female fans?" I ask, putting my finger over his lips and making a straight face. My straight face doesn't last for long because Finn starts grinning. He spins me around to face him and puts his hands on my face.

"You aren't just a fan," Finn says, staring deeply into my eyes, "you're the girl I want." He closes the space between us. I smile into the kiss, and feel Finn smiling back. We pull back after a little bit. I ruffle my hand through Finn's hair and he smiles at me.

"What are we?" I ask Finn, motioning towards us. Finn grins.

"We are whatever you want us to be." Finn says, pulling me into another kiss.

"Finn... be my boyfriend." I say through the kiss.

"Sure Y/N." He says, our words slightly slurred and muffled by one another's lips.

"I love you Finn." I say, pulling back from the kiss.

"I love you too, Y/N," Finn says, "but I think we missed a spot in your hair."

A/N - Ok this is cringe you don't even have to tell me. - Don't bother with this sap lol - More coming sooooooon :) - Requests are still open! Feel free to comment a suggestion! - I will NOT use your name in the suggestion, though. - :) -

Finn Wolfhard x Reader - One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now