You Leave Me Speechless

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Finn's POV -

A lot of things leave me speechless, in fact, everything leaves me speechless. I hate it. I can process words just a well as everyone else, I just can't seem to form the words to say them. People call me "mute" all the time, but technically that's not the case. Muteness or mutism is an inability to speak, often caused by a speech disorder, hearing loss, or surgery, but that's not the case with me. I don't really know what causes my inability to speak other than extreme shyness. I can't stand social situations and I can barely do one-on-ones. People are a big trigger of anxiety for me, especially when they happen to actually attempt to talk to me. Whenever they approach me at first it's all good because I look completely normal. In fact, the only thing that makes me so called "abnormal" is the fact that I cannot speak. So, people approach me just like I'm any other person and introduce themselves politely. I always make an effort to form some sort of sound, but it always just ends with me opening my mouth and thinking the words I want to say instead of actually producing a sound. After that most people leave me alone, confused and sometimes scared by my attempt at speech. "Finny!" My mom called from downstairs. I thumped my feet twice on the floor to symbolize I had heard her. "Come downstairs! Your father and I have something to tell you!" I could hear her voice dripping with excitement and enthusiasm. My feet carried me swiftly down the stairs as I ran into the living room. I was greeted by my mom and dad's smiling faces, but they were also accompanied by three strangers. 

My heart instantly started beating ten times faster than it had just seconds before. I felt my palms begin to sweat so I wiped them on my pants. I was just now making out the faces of a father, mother, and daughter trio in front of me. "Finn, this is the Y/L/N family." I smiled and waved at the, but turned instantly after to shoot my parents a dirty look. My mom glared back at me but quickly changed her expression as she looked back at the Y/L/Ns. 

"This is our son, Finn." My dad said, pointing to me. I felt obligated to smile again, so I did. This time instead of shifting from face to face, my eyes settled on the Y/L/N's daughter.

"This is our daughter, Y/N." The Y/L/Ns said, motioning to Y/N. She smiled at me, and then looked down. I blushed, looking down as well. Y/N was pretty, really pretty.

"Our son Finn is not very comfortable in social situations," My mom begins and my heart drops, Y/N would never like me if she knew about my inability to talk! I attempt to motion to my mom to cut it out before it goes to far, but my attempts fail. "He often doesn't speak, but don't think of it as him being rude. Finn just has never been able to formulate words, however, he is quite smart and can comprehend exactly what you say to him." I face palm and Y/N stifles a giggle.

"Y/N, why don't you go talk to Finn?" Y/N's mom asked. The dreaded word. Talk. Y/N nodded her head and without hesitation stood up and walked over to me. I smiled at her, hoping she would flash me a beautiful smile back, but instead the corners of her mouth dipped down into a frown. I opened my mouth as if to say what is wrong, but Y/N stopped me by putting a finger to my lips.

"Where is your bedroom? Could you show me it?" Y/N asked instead. The frown still there. I nodded slowly and Y/N took my hand. I turned bright red and looked down. No girl had ever held my hand before. I began to lead her upstairs to my room, but I could hear the tail end of the conversation my parents were having with Y/N's. They were laughing about us. I couldn't get mad, though. Something about Y/N's presence calmed me.

I motioned around my room as if to say "this is my room" without uttering a word. "It's very nice." Y/N said, sitting down on my bed. I went to sit beside her and she scooted closer to me. "Do you try to speak a lot?" Y/N asked. My head instantly went down because I felt a warm blush creep across my face as Y/N spoke. She reached over to my face and tilted my chin up with her hand so we were face to face again. I nodded my head, slowly once again. "I think that you can talk. I believe that you can." Y/N took her hand off of my face and looked down. "I'm sorry." She said, looking up. 

"I-It's o-k." I whispered. Y/N's head popped up and a grin danced across her face.

"FINN YOU SPOKE!" She exclaimed, wrapping her arms around me tightly and squeezing me until I was out of breath.

"To t-ight." I stuttered. My voice sounds odd. Words are like strangers I've never talked to before.

"I'm sorry, I was just really really really really really excited fo-" I cut Y/N off with a quick kiss on the cheek. "That's a nice way to tell someone to shut up." She says, smiling and looking down. I shyly looked away and rubbed my neck.

"Thank you." I said. This time my voice was a bit more steady.

"For what?" Y/N asked, looking back up at me.

"Thank you for helping." I continued, beaming at Y/N, my cheeks hot.

"You're welcome." She replied. I took her small hand in mine and we both smiled awkwardly at the ground.

"Finn! Y/N! Come downstairs! It's time for Y/N to go!" My mom hollered from the bottom of the stairs.

"You have to go." I say sadly before coughing.

"Yeah, it sucks." Y/N says, standing up. "Just do me one favor, don't over-exhaust your newfound voice, it's to beautiful to be ruined." She said. I stood up in front of her and smiled, nodding my head.

"I won't." I hugged Y/N and she gave me a kiss on the cheek this time.

"See you soon, Finn!" Y/N called back to me as she made her way down the stairs to the front door. I smiled and nodded, waving goodbye to the person who helped me find my voice.

A/N - I might make a part 2 because I kinda like this idea :)

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