You guys hate each other

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Y/N's POV -

Oh great, my most favorite person in the world. Finn Wolfhard. 

Last person I want to see right now, in my science class. He scowls at me and I glare back as he searches the room for a seat. The only one left is one next to me. Finn sits next to me and scoffs, throwing his bag on the ground. I pull out my notebook and try not to make any eye contact with Scum Of The Earth Finn. "Ok guys I'm Mr. Anderson and I hope you like who you're sitting with because they will be your partner for the whole year!" Some students cheer, but Finn and I shoot glares at each other.

I concede and hold out my hand. "Just for science." I say. Finn shakes my hand.

"Just for science." He replies.

Finn's POV -

I quickly let go of Y/N's hand because it felt weird when we touched. I don't know why, but I didn't hate her as much. It was... a spark, almost like static, when we touched. I think Y/N felt it as well. Anyways, that shit is beside the point. I have to work with this girl all year. Fuck my life.

It's not that I necessarily have always despised Y/N, in fact, it only came about recently. About a month or so ago, I was at the height of my popularity. I had been riding off my role of Mike Wheeler all throughout school and even into the summer. (A/N - I don't think Finn is at all like this, I just needed him to be a bit of an asshole to progress the story along. Got it? Ok, thanks.) Everyone loved me, even Y/N. We were actually very close friends. Y/N did think that I was getting a bit big-headed about the whole "I'm Mike Wheeler" shit, but she never openly opposed it. She attended all of my raving parties and a couple of award shows. Y/N was proud of my accoplishments as an actor... until Iris. 

"Sonora" in my opinion was just another acting job, but to Y/N it was somewhat of a betrayal. If you didn't already know, Y/N hates Iris Apatow. Though she probably won't admit it to anyone... She didn't even admit it to me. 

Of course, if I had known that Y/N strongly opposed me working with Iris, I probably wouldn't have. I might have been super popular because of the acting stuff, but I only had a few close friends, Y/N being one of them. Well, as you can probably infer, I took the job in helping direct "Sonora" with my close friend Josh Ovalle. I ended up acting in the video and I had to kiss Iris. She seemed really into it, but I wasn't as much. (A/N - I have no idea how either of them felt about the kiss, so I'm making it to fit the story.) I was more into Y/N. Yeah, you heard it here, I was crushing on Y/N this whole time. Of course, I ruined all my chances my acting in "Sonora" with Iris.

I returned to school and everything was great until Josh started talking about "Sonora" when Y/N was around. I kept trying to give him signals to cut it out because I liked Y/N, not Iris. Of course, he thought I was joking. Y/N seemed really interested in watching "Sonora", and even though I attempted to persuade her otherwise, she had her heart set on watching the video. I decided that I was going to make my move on Y/N before she saw Iris and I kiss in the video. I put my arm around her as we sat at the lunch table. Y/N seemed into it and I was over the moon. She leaned into me and I was almost shaking with excitement. But then, she pulled out her phone.

"Wouldn't it just be soooo nice to watch Sonora together?" Y/N asked, an excited smile plastered on her face. I couldn't say no and nodded my head reluctantly as she searched up the video on YouTube. I pulled out my earbuds and we each took one. I took a deep breath and prayed that Y/N wouldn't freak out. Everything was going great until Y/N realized that the girl was Iris. "I-Is that Iris?" Y/N asked, pointing at the girl in the video. I pretended not to notice as the frame was quickly changed to a different scene. Luckily, she wasn't persistent and shrugged it off. Until... the bike ride. "Umm, that's Iris. I know that face anywhere." I nervously smiled as Y/N tilted her head to the side. 

The kiss was a whole different story. Y/N ripped the earbuds out of the headphone jack of her phone and threw them at me. "Iris fucking Apatow?!" She screamed at me. I tried to calm her down by placing my hands on her shoulders but she just shrugged them off and stood up. "Are you kidding me Finn? I thought we were friends! Actually, I thought that you LIKED me, now I see just how naive I have been." Y/N stormed off, leaving me without words. 

We haven't had a decent word with each other since that incident and I regret it to this day. "Sonora" was a big mistake and I don't plan on making another mistake like that. Especially since now I have my only chance to talk to Y/N that I've had in a year. 

*a/n this sucks


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