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Y/O = Your order

Y/F/S = Your favorite song

Y/F/C = Your favorite color

Y/N's POV -

Today I'm going to the mall with my friends to get some shit. I haven't been in a while since malls are crowded and full of people wearing dense perfume and clown make-up. They are all so fake. My friends are the best people to go to the mall with because they don't wear stinky perfume and overdo their make-up so their skin has turned a slight tangerine color. I look around outside before going out my front door and hopping on my bike. Bikes are pretty popular in the small town I live in. Everyone owns a bike pretty much, and anyone who has one uses as a choice mode of transportation. My bike is y/f/c and pretty vintage. My dad and I fixed it up one summer, as well as my sister's one. My sister isn't here right now, and knowing her she's probably off with her friends playing soccer. She's pretty good and her club team has gone to some pretty cool tournaments. As I ride to the mall, I listen to my favorite song, y/f/s. It's a pretty chill day, as in calm, not like cold. It's a warm-ish spring day, so riding my bike is pretty enjoyable. I chain it up outside the mall and walk in. My friends probably will be here in a few, they aren't the most timely people. I believe if you aren't early, you're late, something picked up from my mom. I'm glad that I get a few minutes or so to shop alone, so I decide to go to Starbucks. I order my usual y/o and sit down to wait for my drink. A few minutes after I've ordered a guy walks in, tall with curly dark hair. He orders a drink and even though the whole cafe is empty, he asks if the seat across from me is taken. "No." I reply, looking up at him. He's pretty cute.

"What's your name?" The tall boy asks, pulling out the chair to be seated.

"It's Y/N. And yours?" I ask, crossing my legs.

"Finn." Finn says, looking straight at me. Finn has brown eyes, great brown eyes. My eyes are y/e/c, but his are beautiful.

"What brings you to a Starbucks cafe this nice spring day?" I ask Finn, looking over to see if the barista is still making my drink. They are working diligently to get our drinks finished because they are the only employee there.

"I honestly don't know. I just had to get out of my house a bit. Some shit is going down at home and my parents are mad as hell at my brother for sneaking out last Friday night to see a girl." He chuckles a bit at the end. "I never really get why people sneak out. You can have a hella good time at home if you try." I nod in agreement.

"Honestly, I believe it's more fun to just stay at home. This shitty mall has nothing on my couch and Netflix." I reply. The barista calls my name and Finn's name and we go to grab our drinks. Finn reaches for my drink at the same time I do and our hands touch. I smack his hand away jokingly, "That one's yours, Finny boi." I say. I didn't really mean to call him that weird nickname, but it just kind of came out when I looked into his chocolate eyes again.

"Already got a nickname for me, eh?" He laughs, grabbing his drink and sitting back at our table. I blush a bit and sit back across from him. My friends walk in to the cafe and order drinks. They see me, but they don't bother me.

"My friends are here." I say, kinda disappointed that I can't talk to Finn anymore. Finn gives me the same look.

"Umm... wait." He says, pulling out a pen. "I don't have any paper on me." He says. I look at him questioningly. "Give me your hand." I extend my hand and he pushes the sleeve back to write on my wrist.

"What are you writing?" I ask him due to the fact that I can't see. Finn giggles a bit and mumbles something. "Dude, I don't have super-human hearing." I laugh.

"My number." Finn says, pulling back down my sleeve and popping the pen into his pocket. "Text me." He winks and gets up to leave.

"Wait, Finn!" I exclaim, not super loud, but I know my friends are seeing this whole thing. "Uhm..." I don't know what to say, but I think Finn says what we both want to say, even though it isn't a word. He hugs me tightly.

"Can't wait to learn more about you, Y/N." Finn whispers into my ear before letting go and heading out of the door. He waves to me and I wave back, smiling to myself. That boy sure is something. I know it already.

Finn Wolfhard x Reader - One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now