what is "friendship?" pt 2

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A/N - This will actually make no sense if you don't read the first part, so please check that out before continuing.

Anyways, for those of you that don't have to go and read pt 1... this picks up in the morning (you waking up and stuff)

Finn's POV - 

Y/N is beautiful when she's asleep... I don't want to wake her up. I pull out my phone and take some pictures of her. I feel too creepy and delete them. I go to the recently deleted folder and delete them forever.

I don't know what to do.

She doesn't understand that I like her more than a friend. Slowly, Y/N stirs and turns to look at me. "Good morning Finnerino." She whispers before giggling about the horrid nickname she had given me.

"Don't call me Finnerino, please." I say, giggling along with Y/N as I pull her closer.

"How about Finny boi?" She asks, smiling her beautiful smile.

"Haha! That sounds perfect." I reply, smiling back but definitely ending up looking like a dork. Y/N sits up and stretches her arms, twisting from side to side to pop her back. She stands up and stretches again, just stretching as high up as she can. He phone buzzes from inside her bag.

"Shit shit shit shit shit shit SHIT!" Y/N mutters under her breath, grabbing her phone from her bag and scrolling through the multitude of messages and missed calls. I stand up and so beside her.

"Damn," I say, "your mom is NOT happy about you running away." Y/N rolls her eyes at me.

"Isn't that just a TAD BIT OBVIOUS?!" She says, slightly louder than her previous mutter. "Of course my mom's worried! I've never shown any signs of wanting to run away and I've definitely never talked or written about the idea so my sudden disappearance of course has confused and startled her! No one thinks their kid will just run away randomly one night just because they want to! I never really thought about leaving for the longest time, Finn... I-" Y/N stops rambling and I pull her into a tight hug. She hugs back, confused at first, but settling into the hug.

"Y/N, I don't know what I'm going to do with you." I whisper jokingly into her ear. She giggles slightly, sending a warm shiver through my spine. I don't know what it is about this girl, but it's got me hooked.

"Finn, if it isn't to much trouble... I wouldn't like to sit around all day and I was thinking maybe we could go and try to get kicked out of Wal-Mart for having an intense lightsaber battle?" Y/N asks, surprising me, but honestly of all the things, if I had just been freed from captivity after a multitude of years, I would also like to try to get kicked out of Wal-Mart for having an intense lightsaber battle. I smile at Y/N, thinking even though my mind has already been made up.

"Of course, no trouble." I say, smiling as we release the hug.

"Good." Y/N says. "I've been practicing my skills and watching a lot of YouTube videos where people attempt this, so I believe I'm ready." I chuckle at her odd preparation for the battle ahead.

"We should get costumes and make this battle EVEN MORE EPIC!!!" I exclaim, suddenly thinking of the best idea ever. Y/N jumps around clapping her hands excitedly.

"That's a perfect idea!" She exclaims. "I can be Rey since she is pretty skilled when it comes to using a lightsaber." I nod and think for a second.

"I could be Kylo Ren," I say, "because I think it's funny that he just throws random temper tantrums and everyone else on his ship is just like 'Kylo is having a bad day' and just turns back around, forgetting it ever happened." Y/N laughs and excitedly starts digging through her bag for a fresh outfit. Since we are wearing costumes over it, she doesn't go for bulky clothing and settles on a pair of black leggings and a t-shirt. She walks into the bathroom connected to my room to change. I take the opportunity to change while she is occupied and put on a Calpurnia t-shirt and some jeans. I wonder where Y/N and I can get the costumes so the Wal-Mart employees aren't suspicious, especially considering that it's nowhere near Halloween. I decide we should head by Target since it has some decent costumes most of the time and since the new Star Wars movie just came out I would assume they are stocked up on Star Wars items. Just as I'm refining my plan for Target, Y/N walks out of the bathroom, looking great even though all she did was brush her hair and put on some random clothes. I blush and look at my feet. This girl. This dang girl.

"What were you thinking about?" Y/N asks. Perfect, I can now explain my Target plan. I explain the Target plan, excluding NO details since this must be a meticulously planned act. I tell her about how much time it is from my house to Target, and then from Target to Wal-Mart. All in all round trip there and back (just in the dang car) will take and hour and fifteen minutes. Y/N glances at her phone, 9:15 AM, plenty of time to go on our adventure. I smile at her, taking her hand to lead her downstairs. We put on shoes and then I realize that I'm not supposed to be driving because I'm grounded. (Just say he can drive Jesus Christ it fits in) The reason I'm grounded is, of course, dumb and unnecessary. I'm grounded because I might have just scratched the door of a insane guys truck and he flipped his lid. He made me pay for a redo of the paint job on, mind me, HIS WHOLE TRUCK, out of pocket just because I barely scratched his door. Anyways, my parents are still mad at me for causing all that trouble with the dang guy so I'm not supposed to drive for a month. Eh, suck it, parents. Y/N and I need to have a freaking lightsaber battle. I grab the keys to my mom's car (lol when typing that it auto corrected to Minecart and I'm dying) and open the door. Y/N walks out, breathing in the fresh air and sighing.

"Ready to get kicked out of Wal-Mart?" I ask, closing the door behind us as we make our way to the car.

"Very ready." Y/N replies, opening the passenger side door and climbing into the car.

 A/N - Soooooo it took me literal years it seems like to fin(n)ally update this book, so I'm sorry that sucks real bad and I'm sorry (once again) for not updating any of my other books either.

Anyways, I hope it makes up for it, considering this chapter was 1000+ words hehe

There will be a part three...Of course... Since I want to write about them having an intense lightsaber battle and getting kicked out of Wal-Mart because honestly, that's now on a list of things I should do lol

So... anyone else like the new Star Wars movie (at least for the most part)?

My dad didn't lol

I'm starting a QOTC (question of the chapter)

QOTC: Do you like Star Wars?

AOTC (answer of the chapter): Yes, I do indeed enjoy Star Wars. (The OG movies were better :/)

- answer in the comment section below! -

*I'd love to hear your opinions!!!*

»honestly I just want to start a huge debate about if the OG or new Star Wars movies are better«

>See you next time!<

[ pointlesss___pastaaa ]

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