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It's not safe.

It's the opposite of safe.

It's unsafe.

Finn's POV -

"Guys, this is a sketchy venue, I don't really think we should be playing here." I say to my band-mates. They tell me to lay off and that we're fine. I don't believe them.

The stage is just a few pieces of plywood stacked on top of each-other to make it higher than the ground. The walls are grimy and the room smells of smoke. The floors are sticky with old drinks that have been spilled to many times. The small shabby bar in the corner only serves straight liquor. This shitty host isn't paying us enough. Apparently, the person who is hosting the party at this place is either the best liar in the world, or the most convincing. I don't think we would have ever agreed to play here if we knew the real truth.

I walk around inspecting the place further. I see some bathrooms and decide to inspect further. I wish I didn't. This venue has disgusted me in every way possible. I walk back out, choking on the stench of mold as I wrinkle my nose. This was NOT going to be a fun night.


The room filled up fast with teenagers that are either drunk or smoking. I cough every few minutes due to the smog-like smoke coating my lungs. I'm supposed to sing in this? My band starts playing, but no one seems to be listening. After a few songs I doubt I'll be able to breathe ever again if I can't catch a break. I leave my guitar and wander out the side door. I close it softly and fill up my lungs with the cold air of the night. I'm instantly better. My body temperature is dropping back to normal as I pace around. I finally inspect my surroundings and I see a girl. She must have had to get some fresh air as well. She's sitting on some crates next to the dumpster still coughing from the thick smog. She's beautiful. Too beautiful to be in this unsafe place.

I walk over to her and take a seat next to her. She acknowledges me with a small smile and nod. "What's your name?" I ask her, adjusting my jacket. She must be cold, she doesn't have a coat on.

"It's Y/N." Y/N replies, looking into my eyes. She has beautiful eyes. I hate that she's in this unsafe place. I hate that I'm in this unsafe place. "And your name is...?" She asks, rubbing her arms to warm herself.

"I'm Finn. I was on stage earlier." I say, removing my jacket. She gives me a questioning look, but I put my jacket over her shoulders anyways. Y/N wraps it around her tighter, and looks over at me.

"You are cute... I mean, good... good... you are good!" She tries to recover. Her attempts are so cute. I touch her cheek gently.

"This place isn't safe." I whisper, looking into Y/N's e/c eyes.

"It isn't." She nods grimly. "The police will be here soon, it happens every time." I didn't realize she came here regularly.

"Why would you come here if you know it's not safe?" I ask Y/N, cupping her cheek in my hand.

"I don't have a choice, Finn. I just don't have a choice." She says, looking down. I tilt her chin back up so we are making eye contact again.

"That's going to change, Y/N." I whisper. "You're coming with me." She smiles slightly so I smile back. I want to kiss her.

I start leaning in, but she looks confused. I want Y/N to be ok. I slowly place my lips on hers. When Y/N presses back I know she's comfortable with kissing. I apply more pressure and deepen the kiss by putting my other hand on her other cheek. She tangles her hands in my messy curls. We pull back and Y/N leans her forehead onto mine. I smile at her and she smiles back. "I'll grab the band, you stay out here." I whisper, giving her a quick peck on the lips before getting up.

"Come back soon, Finn. It's not safe for anyone to be here." She says as I walk off.

"Don't worry, my love, I'll be back soon." I reply, opening the door and slipping back into the smog-filled room. I head straight up to the front where my band is packing up. (Guys, I know that his band is called Calpurnia, I just don't want to put it because it would sound like he's not a part of it.) "Guys, we have to get out of here." I say, looking into everyone's eyes once. They nod and a few cough. We pack up our equipment and instruments and head outside. Y/N is waiting there. One of my band-mates goes and drives the truck we load our instruments and equipment in around to the side alleyway we are in. Y/N helps us load the truck, and another one of my band mates hops in the truck. The rest of us go around to my car. 

We hear sirens as we get into the car, and Y/N looks at me. "Ok, you know your shit." I say, and she laughs, getting in the passenger seat. The remainder of the band gets in the back and we drive away from the disgusting building.

"Please never play there again." Y/N says, her eyes are pleading as well. I chuckle to myself.

"Never in a million years."


I mean never.

That was too unsafe.

A/N - Guys, I don't really like this one. :/

Anyways, thanks for reading this book so much and voting on it so many times!

Honestly 5 isn't that many, but to me, a noob on here, it's rather a lot.

Also, my reads go soaring on this story after every part, so... I'll try to update this more, since it seems to be a pretty popular choice.


Until next time,

Kylie / Your Truly Pointless Pasta



Finn Wolfhard x Reader - One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now