what is "friendship?"

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A/N - This is more of a friendship one-shot, because friendship is good guys :) - Context for this book (it makes no sense without this) - You have been trapped inside your whole life and you don't really have much context of the outside world. You've watched rom-coms and such, but you've never been in any relationships, including friendships. That all changes when you meet the one and only Finn Wolfhard after sneaking out. Let's just say you'll never go back... ;)

Y/N's POV -

I've never been outside my house, and honestly there is no reason to go outside. Everything anyone could ever want is right here at my fingertips. Swimming pool, movie theater, bowling alley, and even an indoor garden that simulates the outside. My favorite spot in the whole house is the indoor garden, because I can pretend I'm outside, with people. My only experiences with friendship are through television, and honestly those relationships seem unrealistic. To many idealistic things happen on TV, those idealistic things never happen in real life.

I decide to go sit in the garden room. The seamless glass makes it seem like I'm outside, with plants. I sit on the swing and slowly swing back and forth. Why don't you just escape? I ask myself. It's to easy. The doors are never locked from the outside. The only thing keeping you in is yourself. I tell myself. I am truly the only thing keeping me inside this terrible enclosure. I look around me one last time. The last time I'll ever stay in the garden room.

I go to my room, not questioned by my mother, even though I hardly ever go to my room, even to sleep. I prefer to sleep in the garden room, I have my own little cove where I sleep in there, and it's better than any bedroom provided to me. I pull out a duffel bag and start packing things that matter to me. I stop when I get to the picture of my mom, dad, and I on my nightstand. My dad's gone. He's been gone for many years. My mom couldn't risk losing me to the outside world.

My dad was a first-responder, and he got killed in a fire. A fire that was found out to be started by a group of teenagers. My mom thought that people killed my dad, but when I look at it, I see it as a fire that killed him, not a group of teens that didn't know what they were doing.

I pack the picture and scan my room, making sure that I didn't leave anything behind. I have to wait until night so I can sneak out without my mom knowing. I shove my bag into the closet and head to my 3-D printer. (Time for some next level science-y futuristic shit) I don't know what kind of transportation I could print to the garage that would go unnoticed. I decide to do some research on transportation used by teens. Skateboards? No, to small, takes to much to learn to ride, and large fall hazard. Roller skates? No. Just no. A bike? Yeah! A bike would work perfectly. I even program the printer to print a cargo-holding attachment for the back of my bike. I set the destination to the garage and sigh, laying on my king-sized bed.

My mom comes upstairs, and says goodnight. She looks confused due to the fact I don't normally sleep in my bed, or any bed, honestly. I smile at her and reply with a simple goodnight. I clap twice and turn off the lights in my room.

After half an hour or so, I hear my mom's soft snores coming from down the hall. I go to my printer and it says the project is complete. I do a little celebration and go to my closet to grab my bag. I do another final sweep of my room, but find nothing. I make my bed like nothing happened, and don't leave a single note behind. I look out over the street from my room. "I'm coming." I whisper, touching the window. "I'm coming now."

I grab my bag and tiptoe out of my room. The floor creeks and I stop in my tracks. My mom is still sound asleep. I continue down the stairs and out the door. "I'm actually doing this..." I whisper to myself. I open the first door and walk into the mudroom. "I'm actually doing this." I say, at a normal volume level. I walk outside into the fresh air. "I'm actually doing this!" I exclaim, closing and locking the door behind me. "I'M ACTUALLY DOING THIS!!!" I yell, walking over to the garage. We have soundproof walls, so my mom wouldn't hear me. I type in the garage code and walk inside. I stare at the freshly printed y/f/c bicycle and matching cargo-holder. I hop on the bike, just to make sure it works. These "how to ride a bike" YouTube videos better pay off! I sling my bag into the cargo holder and I'm off.

The garage door closes behind me and I roll down the driveway going at what seems like 100 mph. I start peddling and gain speed as I turn down the street. I know my towns geography, due to studying maps of it for my online school. I can go to real school now! I peddle faster with every experience that I think of, until I see another bike coming towards me.

I attempt to swerve out of the way, but so does the other cyclist and we both clatter to the ground. "Watch where you're going you idiot!" The other cyclist shouts. It's a tall, curly haired male.

"I'm sorry. I'm new to this." I say, picking up my bike and helping the boy with his.

"Hey, I haven't seen you around. Are you visiting?" He asks, acknowledging my luggage.

"No, I'm Y/N and I live on this street. I've been kept inside my entire life, and I'm running away." Well, that a way to get tracked down. I realize I just told this boy everything and I don't even know his name. Great going.

"Y/N... that's a pretty name." The boy says, blushing and helping me with my bike. "I'm Finn." He extends his hand, but I don't understand this cue. "Handshake." He says. Now I understand. I shake his hand. "Do you have anywhere to stay?" Finn asks, rubbing the back of his neck.

"No, I guess I didn't really think this running away thing through." I say to him, mounting my bike.

"You can stay with me, Y/N." Finn says, smiling. Does he want me to be his friend? I don't really understand friendship or friend, but I will... maybe.

"Ok." I say, mounting my bike. He tells me to follow him and we turn around to go back down from where I came.

Turns out, Finn doesn't actually live on this road, he lives on the one perpendicular to it, so we just had to ride past my house in the direction I just came until we hit his road. Finn lived in a large house, very similar to mine, and we parked our bikes in his garage. Finn lead me in through a side door and up to his room. His parents aren't home and he says they are on a "romantic getaway."

"Sounds like some hallmark movie." I say, sitting my bag down in Finn's room. He nods and laughs.

"Yeah, I guess you could say that." I like when Finn smiles, it's a pretty nice smile.

"Where will I sleep?" I ask, yawning and stretching.

"You can sleep in my bed, and I'll sleep on the ground." Finn says, grabbing a pillow and blanket off the bed. 

"Finn, I can sleep on the ground." I say, looking at him as he set up his makeshift floor bed.

"No, I will." Finn laid down. I didn't feel like arguing with him, since I was getting tired. I laid in his bed and pulled the covers over me. Sleeping in my clothes wasn't that bad.

After a few minutes I was cold, and I couldn't warm myself up. I got out of Finn's bed and laid next to him on the floor. He wasn't asleep either. He rolled over and smiled at me, pulling me into a hug. I didn't known what this meant, but I think Finn and I are friends.

"You're a good friend, Y/N." Finn whispers in my ear.

"I don't completely understand friendship, but I think you're a good friend, too, Finn." I respond, smiling and closing my eyes. Before I knew it, I was asleep in Finn's arms.


Ye ye

Finn Wolfhard x Reader - One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now