Kiss Me

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Finn's POV -

There's something about this Y/N girl from my geometry class, she's beautiful in every way and I love her personality. We often steal glances at one another from across the classroom, and blush intensely. Today I'm going to change this. No more just stealing glances at one another. I'm going to kiss Y/N. Today in geometry I'm going to sit next to her.

I wake up in a different mood than my normal groggy I-didn't-want-to-wake-up one. I wake up in a joyous mood that alarms my parents. My dad continually asks me if I'm high as he drives me to my private school. "Dad!" I exclaim, "For the five-hundredth time, I'm not high!" He nods and stays focused on driving me to school. We don't talk since he turns on the radio and starts jamming to some weird music. I don't really like it, and neither does he, he just doesn't believe me. I don't get why my dad can't just trust me, like SERIOUSLY why would I even do drugs? No reason. In fact, it would kill my career, and I don't think that's a very wise decision. I'm a role model for kids, I can't do that.

We get to my school and I walk in with a little bit more of a spring in my step. I'm not concerned with people staring as I almost skip down the hallway, I'm more determined than ever before. I only have a few classes before geometry, so I have a few classes of preparation before the big dance.

- Time skip to geometry -

Y/N's POV -

I sit down in my normal spot towards the back of the class. I like my grades, but only the teachers pets sit at the front of the class, I don't need to be like them. I'm good with being the silent-but-super-smart type. Today someone sits behind me, Finn Wolfhard. If it isn't the most adored boy in the school. Probably here to make fun of me. Let's not forget the fact that I have a huge crush on Finn Wolfhard. He's such a great guy, and I just adore him. I often look at him in class, and I feel that he looks at me out of sympathy. "Hello, Y/N." Finn snaps me out of my daydream. I turn around and look at him, staring deeply into his brown eyes.

"H-hey, F-finn." I stutter. Come on! I can't even talk around him now. I blush and try to look away, but Finn places his hand on mine. I don't know what to do, and as I try to pull my hand away, assuming it as a mistake, Finn laces his slender fingers in between mine. He squeezes my hand causing me to look back at him again. "I- uhh... why?" I ask, right as the bell rings.

Finn stares into my eyes. I really do like him. "I- umm... water fountain. Ask after me." He lets go of my hand and raises it. "May I go to the restroom?" Finn asks, and then he winks at me. The teacher excuses him. Finn heads to the water fountain. After a few minutes I feel it's safe for me to ask. I'm also excused and head to the nearest water fountain. Since it's during a class, no one is out roaming that halls, so Finn and I have complete privacy. I look at Finn, and he puts his hands on my hips. Before I have any time to say anything or ask any questions, Finn is pulling me closer. "Y/N..." He whispers, "Kiss me." We kiss. I didn't know my first kiss would be with Finn Wolfhard, and if you had told me that, I would have laughed in your face.

It was amazing.

Finn Wolfhard x Reader - One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now