Entering Badlands Chapter Five

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This chapter shoutout goes to: dreamshadexx because there is an awesome book by this author. I am starting it but it's addicting! Go follow her and all of that stuff! 

(BTW I give shoutouts to everyone so don't be a silent reader! You all are amazing and let it shine!)


Part One: Entering Badlands

Chapter Five// The Psycho of the Plains

In all his life Wayne never thought he would be the one to go to jail. And even the worse part not only did he NEVER think of that, he also never thought of escaping jail or prison. Or whatever it was he was going to. But he did.

He never was the one to get in trouble at school yes he was the player but he never sought detention or getting into fights. That's what doesn't make any sense to what is happening.

He was tied to these horrid murders but he hasn't and WOULD NEVER touch anyone like that. He isn't that messed up, that is for sure.

Every time he starts to think about what has happened his left side of his head hurts to much or that he has to sit down. Wayne wouldn't think in a billion years he would be caught up in something like this. No one would think Wayne Crawford had it in him to kill people like Carolyn Summers, Helen Joyce, and amongest others were killed.

He sat there on the stump not really fully knowing how to process what has happened to him. What just happened and how this kid saved him. Saved him. Saved his butt from prison which he doesn't even deserve to go to.

Sam looks at Wayne. Wayne has his eyes closed and his head hung down by his knees. Sam then looks at the boy who only pays attention to the horizon, his focus on nothing particular but what is ahead.

Sam's curosity kills him inside and he steps forward toward the boy. He clears his throat and then says, "uh hello?" he circles to the boy to be in front of him but the boy remains looking ahead as if he is looking straight through Sam Keller, "okay look. In all the three times I have been going to this camp. You haven't been here, you haven't made an appearence. Wh-why are you now?"

There is no response but the boy looks at Sam. His eyes blink. Sam throws his hands up and then down then says, "great we have a fucking psycho on our hands. We have a fucking psycho! What are we suppose to do now! Stand around and wait until it gets dark then what die on the side of the road heading to the place that starts shit up for everyone?!"

Sam makes his way back to Wayne who hasn't put his head up once. He has his hands together though and he rubs them back and forth. His eyes open as Sam continues to ramble, "You know in all my life I have never seen anything like it. A boy. A boy, who has like fucking -shit I don't know what he has. Then he saves us by doing God knows what and helps us escape. Is it time travel? Is it like some sort of force field? Does he have-"

A voice is heard from the stump and that makes Sam back up, "no. It has to be far more than that." Sam meets Wayne's stare and Wayne then looks at the boy, "he has to have some type of mind powers."

"Mind powers?" Sam asks back and then looks at the boy. The boy turns around and they all look at each other. "I have heard of some crazy messed up shit in my time but that has got to be the most bizarre thing yet."

"What else could it be Squid?!" Wayne exclaims and then gets up. He points to the boy and the boy looks down, "huh? Who else have you seen to do this? Where else have you seen this happen? Not on Disney channel that's for sure and probably not Nicklodeon."

"Yeah definaetly not Disneyland they usually try to keep it PG," Sam says sarcastically and Wayne rolls his eyes.

"You get the point don't you?"

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