Entering Badlands Chapter Ten

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This chapter is going to be short....

You've been warned lol


Part one: Entering Badlands

Chapter Ten// Zac Urnis takes a hit

Six Days Earlier

"a monster is right behind you! What is your stance!" Harley screams almost to loud but at least that gets everyone's attention.

Justin springs forward, "It depends if I get t make a move on the enemy or not!"

"No! No!" Sean gets up from his spot and then says, "just roll for it. You can do it bud. If you roll an eight or higher you got this!"

"Don't scream at him you will make him feel pressured, "Victor states and then brings his friends down, "besides you can be on the run yourself."

"What is your stance?" Harley repeats and Justin grabs the dice. All five of the friends look as Justin rolls the dice in his hands and then throws it on the table.

They all get up from their spots and look at the dice.

"Damn it," Justin says, "we are in deep shit."

"Justin because you couldn't deliever the exact or more amount of numbers, one of you has to be struck by the monster," Harley says as he regrets it himself to do it.

"Shit, shit, shit," Sean gets up from his spot and starts pacing the floor like a mad man.

Justin is almost biting his fingers while Victor and Zac are trembled together because sometimes it is either them who gets strucked or they get saved.

Harley finally opens his mouth again, "Zac," all of them look at the bloke and Zac feels like a contestant on a game show his mother watches on Tuesday mornings. Only bad thing is he knows it is not a good sign. "Your partner Justin didn't hold up his match to the lion. It struck you with it's paws. The claws were so sharp it killed you instanstly."

"This game is rigged I tell you, rigged!" Sean yells out and throws his own chair over. Zac looks defeated and shrugs a small shrug.

Victor sighs and then says out loud, "a ten hour campaign for this outcome. Wow."

"What now?" Justin asks his eyes going big in fear of this game. Most would just call it a game but to these five this was a life.

"We have to play without Zac for a few rounds until another storyline comes about," Harley says and shuts his play book. He had to jot down the consquences and he hated having to do that.

"But we have to go around it somehow!" Sean still is trying to go around this someway to not have to have Zac out of the game. He had the best armor and weapon.

"Forget it," Zac says and gets up, "it's okay man. I can watch you guys still. It's okay." He wants to reassure the matter of the squence is fine again but then he sighs, "I guess we all have to get on home anyway right?"

The boys gathered their stuff and then exited the den. What they called the den was a small room next to the lirbrary of the school. They would play it every Thursday when the janitor was cleaning the school. The janitor was really close to Zac's family so he allowed them to be there when he did his job He would be in deep trouble if his boss found out he was allowing it. But regardless the boys weren't hurting anyone, keeping out of drugs, booze, and other things harmful so it should be fine, right?

Most boys their age would be already growing the hair under their armpits along with experimentating their sexuality if they wanted boys or girls. There was only a small handlful of the four hundred people in the school were part of the lgbt (as the years passed it was only added on and on more but everyone got the picture). Zac was the only guy that had any female contact and that was only at the freshmen dance. A senior girl asked him to dance and when he got groovy with her she thought he was assumely in the same grade. That relationship only last a week when she found out she was a cougar and what others would call it craddle robber, nonetheless.

Other than that none of them really adventured far out of their goup. They all became freinds during the fifth grade Pi Day party. An assembly for the upper classmen of the Elementary would go the middle schol and celebrate May 14 as Pi Day. Pi being 3.14. Everyone thought it was clever. Or at these five. They all met at the same table. The table where you had to fractions. No one else would go there all day but these five went there for most of the four hours they got to spend there.

It was fun. Really fun. Now they get to do things together everyday and their routine and tradtions stuck like glue when it came down to it. They would go to the school on Thursdays and play the campaign for the game they so rightfully loved. And no one was able to take it away from them. No one. Period.

The ride from the school was quiet. Almost to quiet for the whole group to not be talking all at once about the consquences of the game. The first one and only on to go away was Harley. He was a bit odd considering he didn't even say goodbye to any of his friends. It's like the campaign drained all the amount of energy he had in him and including everyone else too.

The four left pedaled close together until the street branched off into bigger and they had to go into one line. One line line for the bike lane of Ritchman Street.

Then Victor stops making Justin stop behind him and Sean followe dbehind. Zac did too and they look at each other confused in the dark.

'Did you hear that?" Victor asks out loud. The only thing that has been spoken amongst the group for at least en or fifteen minutes.

They all shook their heads. Victor lets Justin and Sean pedaled before him then he shrugs. It had to be his imagination it had to be. They contiued toe pedal and for a moment Victor had an odd feeling in the pit of his stomach. An eery feeling that he couldn't let go.

He looked back seeing Victor cut across the street to the left. The street where he lived and when Victor could tell the stomache feleing was going to go away. He suddenly was over powered with fear and saw the bike shoot away into the small wood patch. Victor wasn't in sight.

Maybe he took a different route to his house? Maybe he didn't.

But Victor had that eery feeling in his stomach again and he told the boys, "come on pedal faster I got to get home! Mom is going to go ape shit since the campaign took so long."

Victor looked back one more time and then looked ahead once more. He couldn't let the feeling go away right? What did he see? Did he see the boy go into the woods at night because it was a short cut?

Or...he could swear and he wishes he can take the moment and thought out of his head...or...he saw something in the small shadows of the night take Zac with his bike and snitched him out of sight. Where no one would ever see him again.

His mind was definaetly going crazy. November was in the air and the only losers of the town already had the Christmas lights up but somewhere in Victor's mind he can swear what he saw.

The figure. Wasn't any kid frightening the lad into the woods. Nor was there a car that made him swerve that way.

Victor's head throbbed the rest of the way home and when he got inside of the house he was right.

His mother asked him where he was and he told her he was sorry it took so long. In her eyes she was mad but in Victor's eyes he was trembing in fear and not in her.

But the figure in the shadows that took his best friend.


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