Chapter5:Taking Action

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Imagine this happened!!
It's been three months since Danny has been kidnapped. It was time to take action. Time to make the Guys In White think Danny, Marinette and Adrien gave up on life. Danny was on a examination table while Ladybug and Cat Noir were doing a brand new obstacle course. Danny screamed in pain as they cut open his stomach."Why are you screaming?! You can't feel pain! Unless?" The new scientist said."Well I'm half human and humans feel pain!!" Danny shouted angrily as he pushes his head more up to see her better."That does make since." She said with a smirk.

She stitched him up and came up with a brand new test."W-what a-are you going t-to do n-now?" Danny asked out of fear."I'm going to electrocute you with ectoplasm and see what that does." She said and Danny struggled more."WAIT IF YOU DO THAT THEN I'LL BECOME A FULL HUMAN!" Danny screamed as he tries to go intangible."Yeah your right. We don't want to make you slip through our fingers by making you a full human." She said and Danny stops struggling, but what she didn't notice is that a part of his hand was in the table. Danny looked down to his hands and his eyes went wide. Looks like there is a change of plans.

When the scientist turned her back to the table Danny was on, he tried to go intangible again and surprisingly it worked. Danny's whole body went straight through the table. He was now in a room with the dangerous obstacle course where Ladybug and Cat Noir was panting from exhaustion. Then suddenly a red light came from the roof and was making a lot of noise."PHANTOM HAS ESCAPED. LOCK ALL AREAS. THIS IS NOT A DRILL. I REPEAT THIS IS NOT A DRILL." The speakers boom.

Marinette's POV
Adrien and I were going through a obstacle course that can kill us if we are not extremely careful. We reached the end and was panting in out of breath until suddenly the alarm went off and the speakers boomed, "PHANTOM HAS ESCAPED. LOCK ALL AREAS. THIS IS NOT A DRILL. I REPEAT THIS IS NOT A DRILL." Then suddenly we were floating in the air and was turned invisible."Danny is that you?" Adrien asked."Yes it's me. They didn't put any ghost prove handcuffs on me so I wasn't weaken. I guess got lucky for once."We flew through the walls which felt weird.

Alya's POV
I was in Adrien's seat next to Nino."Class we have a field trip from a class in Amity Park and they will be staying in Mr Bourgeois hotel. They will be joining us tomorrow." Mrs Bustier said. We gotten new students last month and strange thing was they only wore white. Their names was Katie and Oliver. Their last names almost no one knew except for Miss Bustier. Katie wore an white tank top with white jeans looking a lot like Marinette's jeans just, you know, white with white combat boots and a white scarf.

Oliver wore an white cargo pants with white sneakers and a plain white shirt and a white jacket like Adrien's jacket. I couldn't help to think that it was Adrien's jacket but then again he isn't the only wearing that jacket."Alya? Nino?" Mrs Bustier called out."Yes?" We both replied with not much enthusiasm."I gotten this package today with your names on it. Can you please come and get it?" She asked."I'll get it." I whispered to Nino who was about to stand up but sat back down.

I gotten the package and ripped the seal open when I reached my seat. I took a glance at Katie and Oliver who was smirking evilly for some reason. I pulled out what was inside and it was photographs of...Marinette and Adrien going through torturous pain. I screamed in shock."Alya what is it?!" Nino yelled."No, no, no!!! These are photographs of Marinette and Adrien going through torturous pain!!" I screamed and immediately everyone looked over my shoulder but there was a flash drive. I grabbed it and ran to Mrs Bustier's laptop handing it to her. She nodded and inserts it in her laptop.

The laptop loaded and the file appeared. It was a video. She turns the projecter on and everyone immediately watched."ADRIKINS!! PLEASE BE OKAY!!" Chloe yelled when she saw the pictures of Adrien."Class please go get seated. This might be important." She said as she played the video. The screen was black the first few seconds then it zoomed in onto Adrien and Marinette laying unconscious in a cell. On the screen it read. Ladybug and Cat Noir:day one. I was confused by this.

They woke up."Tikki." Marinette whispered and got no reply. Marinette looks around and saw Adrien with her. "Uhhh what happened?" He asked getting up."Uh, h-hi Adrien. I don't know." His eyes widen."Plagg!!!" He shouted."Who's Plagg?" Marinette asked."Uh, I friend of mine who was... visiting from...uh out of town." He says.

"Hey, let me go!!! I'm fucking human being!!" Someone yelled and then suddenly there was a light from behind and a boy looking a lot like Marinette was threw in. His entire body was full scratch marks.

Then the screen faded to a new scene and underneath it says Day1:Test 1. Adrien and Marinette was each holding a kwami. My eyes widen. That's why Ladybug and Cat Noir haven't showed up because they were kidnapped. I felt Trixx stirring in my pocket and I quickly and secretly calmed her down."Transform now!" Someone yelled. After awhile the camera is pointing at Adrien and Marinette."Plagg, Claws Out." Adrien says as he transformed into Cat Noir and the class gasped as they saw him. The camera moved to Marinette."Tikki, Spots On." She said as she transforms into Ladybug. The class gasped harder.

The screans switches to a lab. Marinette and Adrien was strapped to tables. The screan read now: day 31 first experiment. I was now tearing up. Nino was clenching his fists making his knuckles turn white. A man in a orange jumpsuit and a woman in a turquoise jumpsuit came in and puts on some latex gloves. They each grabbed a tool and started to cut open their chests. Adrien and Marinette screamed in pain."PLEASE STOP!!" They both yelled."Shut up!" The two figures said as the woman punched Marinette in her jaw. I slammed my fists to the table."PLEASE!! IT HURTS!!!" Adrien yelled and the man punched him harder.

Then the video ended or so we thought."Alya and her friend Nino. If you continue to try and havk our files we will not hesitate to do worse!" The woman said."Tell the girl's parents that we also have their son." The man said as the video was cut off.

"HOW DARE THEY?!!" Chloe and I yelled."This is worse than we thought!" Nino yelled. I took the flash drive and put it in my bag."Come on Nino we need to show this stuff to Marinette's parents." I said as we ran to Marinette's place. I looked up at the sky to see smoke coming out from a distance.

Marinette's POV
Danny flew us out of the building and then stopped."What are you doing?" Adrien asked."Just one last thing." He said as she landed in front of us."Stay behind me and cover your ears." He said and we did what he said. He then took a deep breath and and shot out a wail at the building destroying it. He did that for a easy half minute! He then stopped and tried to control his breathing. He then grabbed us and flew away as the building was burning up.

"Hey, we are in Paris." Adrien said as he saw the Eiffel Tower. That's the tower I saw when we were transferred here."Ok. There's a abandoned warehouse where we can hide out for now." Danny said as he lost his invisibility and landed."Ha, lucky us we landed in a abandoned bed factory." Danny said as he looked around. "So it turns out we didn't need our powers and also...what was that wail thing you did?!" Adrien yelled."So far it's my most powerful blast and I call it my Ghostly Wail." Danny answered as he changes back to his human form."How did you get your powers?" I asked him.

"Well Jack and Maddie build a device that lead to the Ghost Zone and it didn't work at first but I felt bad and explored the inside of the portal while my best friend and girlfriend was right outside. I accidentally switched the machine on with me inside and boom bam, Danny Phantom was born." He said. I didn't believe ghosts existed at first but when I saw what Danny could do, it made sense.

"Ok lets get some rest and tomorrow we are going to need to find a way to get food. Good Night." Adrien said."Good Night." Danny and I said at the same time. We found some old mattresses and slept on it.

I just hope we can live our lives they were before all this.

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