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"Babe, get up breakfast is ready!"

An achingly familiar male voice broke me from my sleep. That voice had become so familiar to me and I hung onto it ever since I first heard it. It was the only one that could truly calm me. I loved this voice.

With groggy eyes I sat up, preparing myself too walk out to the boy in the kitchen waiting on me hand in foot. When my feet hit the carpet, I was slightly confused.

This wasn't my room. No, but I knew this room. I had spent a lot of time here. And I was back here. The only place I cared to be anymore. And I was happy to wake up here.

"Lyss, were waitingggg!" He said in a sing-song voice.

I stood up from the bed and walked into the hall. "Shut up, Louis."

I walked into the kitchen, the smell of bacon and French toast hitting my nose. Louis was standing over a plate, piling pieces of French toast onto the surface.

I sat down on one of the bar stools as he set the full plate in front of me. He watched as I stared down at it, not touching the fork or anything.

"You need to eat babe." He said, concern etched in his features.

I barely eat anymore. I can't. The smallest thing makes me feel sick. Even when Louis tries his best to force feed me, I only end up taking a few small bites.

I'm pretty much living with Louis and Zayn now. My mom wasn't able to take my unresponsive behavior, so she let me leave. I haven't seem or talked to her in over a week.

I liked being with Louis. He can make me smile when no one else can. He got me talking again. He even was able to get me to talk about how I felt, something that needed to happen.

He also makes me feel closer to Harry in a weird way that no one else could understand.

It's been almost three weeks since his death. I haven't said his name out loud since. I can't seem to talk about him, it's too painful. Everyone tries to get me to talk about the special moments we had to get her, but I refuse too. Those moments were between me and him, and I want to keep it that way.

"You can't keep doing this, Alyssa." Louis' voice was firm yet sweet as he spoke to me. "Can you imagine how he would feel if he saw you like this?"

"Don't." I warned.

"No. You need to hear this, dammit." His hand smacked down on the table, startling me a bit. "You know he always wanted you healthy and happy. What would he thing if he saw you now? Bags under your eyes from no sleep, loosing weight from never eating? He'd be heartbroken. You're the most important thing to him."

"I was the important thing to him. But he's gone."

"Just because he's gone doesn't mean his love for you is."

I sat for a moment, thinking about this. How could someone still love after their dead?

Louis walked around to the front to stand in front of him. "Love like that is immortal. It may be corny, but it's true. You two had a love that doesn't die. Even when one of the people do."

I shook my head. "He can't feel anymore. All that love he had for me Is gone now Louis."

"Do you still love him?"

I nodded. "Always."

"Then what would make you think that just because he's gone he doesn't care about you anymore? That's ridiculous."

I looked down at my hands, unsure of what to say.

"So, will you please eat for me?"

I sighed before picking up the fork and biting a piece of the sweet toast.

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