Chapter 38 (Part 1)

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So, I'm pretty sure Elias and I are going to be banned from using private town car services for the rest of our lives--and quite possibly using cars in general. I don't know what it is about us and backseats, but let's just say the extra twenty minutes of traffic we hit on Sunset Blvd. was kind of magical.

Mainly because Elias's mouth is magical and apparently while he's working, I'm not able to keep my mouth shut.

Did I expect him to spend the entire car ride underneath my dress? No. Did I expect the things he did to make me shout out his name to the point where the driver turned back and screamed at the two of us? Absolutely not.

But life is full of surprises. And ours came in the form of a red-faced, pissed off, driver man.

He pulled off the road about five minutes shy of us reaching UCLA and asked Elias to "step out of the car". Back East, when a person is asked to step out of the car, the result of that request usually ends in violence. But the most violent thing that's happening right now is the sound of my heart going haywire as I watch Elias go head-to-head with a man who looks about ready to blow a blood vessel or two.

Elias is standing outside of the car straighter than a soldier while Mr. Driver Man scolds him. And when I say scold, I really mean scream because I can hear the majority of their conversation loud and clear.

"I don't know how your parents are bringing you kids up these days, but screwing in the back of a private car is an absolute no go in my book! You want a driver who's okay with it? Hire the people who cart the Kardashian's around!"

Elias runs a hand through his thick mess of hair and shrugs like a ten-year-old boy.

"Dude, I know what it sounded like, but I promise I didn't do the deed in your backseat. Scouts honor. You can ask my girlfriend if you want. I was just--trying to keep her happy. You know how it is."

Elias turns back around and winks at me through the window. Thank God for tinted glass because if he had visible evidence that his otherworldly level of suave turned me to a stuttering, blushing, mess every time he busted it out, I'd be mortified.

And quite frankly, I already am. In all the romance novels, once a couple finally gets back together, they take their time to get physical. The sexual tension between normal lovers is less of an explosion and more of a slow burn. They're poised and patient, and when the moment finally happens, it's beautiful.

But the fact that I practically begged Elias to consummate our rekindled relationship in a bathroom stall is anything but.

Maybe some people aren't cut out for conventional romance.

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