Chapter 38 (Part 2)

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So remember when I said that I was going to quickly breeze by my dorm, grab a couple things, and then make my merry way back to frolic around Sunset Rec with Elias?

I lied.

Not about the nighttime frolicking with Elias part, but about the quickly breezing by my dorm part. Ladies and Gentlemen of the universe, I am a girl. And the single most undeniable truth about girls is, we don't like rushing off to meet our boyfriends, crushes, or hook-ups looking and/or feeling totally gross.

Regardless of how physical Elias and I wanted to be, I hadn't showered in a good three days. So the fact that he did the things that he did to me in the back of Lisa's car is mildly mortifying. I mean, I get it, boys are boys, and when they're in the zone, most of them could care less about how long it's been since you interacted with a bar of soap. But I care. A lot. So the second I got into me and Indigo's room, I dragged her into the bathroom, sat her on the toilet so I could rattle off about my getting-back-together-with-your-ex-pre-sex anxieties, and threw myself into the shower.

"Do you think he'll know I cleaned up?"

"Does a goose know when it's time to fly south for the winter?" Indigo says.

Good point. I grab a bottle of my new favorite watermelon body wash and dump it all over myself. To hell with him knowing I tried for him. I want to try for him. He deserves a non-groady girlfriend.


"Yeah. Sorry, that was a dumb question. I ask dumb questions when I'm nervous. Should I be nervous? It's not like this is our first time, but I just--"

"Feel like time and space has reset your souls back to the origin of when your spiritual and physical bodies were unexplored?"

Exactly. There are times, like these, where I think my roommate is the reincarnation of Gandhi. How she knows the things she knows remains a mystery. Come to think of it, Indigo's quite the mystery herself. We've spent an entire quarter together and as much as she knows about my life, I still feel like I know next to nothing about hers.

Indigo is a staunch vegan, her beliefs can't be classified into any identifiable religion, and she spends most of her time off campus. There are weeks when I see her and weeks when I don't. She comes and goes, but never talks about where she goes or what happens while she's there. She doesn't say much about her parents, but I'm pretty sure she has them or else she wouldn't exist.

Or would she?

If there's anyone who could spontaneously appear out of thin air or blossom out of a hippie lotus flower, it's Indigo.

More often than not, I find myself fighting back the urge to ask her about all of the parts of her life she keeps tucked away in envelopes and hidden in hushed phone calls. But I think if I asked anything too personal, it would throw her off kilter. Some people prefer to be undiscovered, and maybe Indigo's happiest existing as an enigma. Maybe not. I guess that's up to her to share.

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