Chapter Eleven

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Zara's POV

We have dinner about fifteen minutes later. Everyone likes the food, especially my chocolate cake. I actually have a lot of fun spending time with Hafsa and her family. They are all amazing. Zaid is also a great guy. I can't help but think about how much he has changed, though, in these last two years.

Two years ago, before he left for the US, Zaid always used to joke around with me and Hafsa. He always used to make me laugh and tease me. He has started to tease me again like he used to, I think. I see hints of the old Zaid coming back. I'm glad, because he really was an amazing guy. He used to be quite protective of me, most likely because of how close I was to their family. We used to be good friends, and he was very caring and kind. He still is.

However, Zaid now also has all of the qualities that any CEO would have. He is slightly arrogant, but he can be because he is the boss of such a huge firm. Zaid is confident, cool, collected and I can't help but think he seems mysterious. Like there is more to the picture. I don't know anything about what he has been up to these past two years. Of course I do know that he went to the US for business, as the company was opening a new hotel there, but I don't know what else he was up to.

Why am I interested, though? It's his life, he can do what he wants with it. It's more than likely that he was with a countless number of girls while he was away. Obviously he would be. Hafsa herself told me about the antics of her brother. He would bring girls home, too. I sigh, walking out of the kitchen after helping Maryam put away the dishes.

Yes, Zaid is a very mysterious guy. I know that he is a good guy, one who I can trust, but there is so much I don't know about him. Everything has changed in the two years he was away, including him. He has changed completely.

I go back into the living room. Dad and Uncle have gone upstairs to watch the football game. I'm surprised that Zaid hasn't gone to watch the game with them. He is now talking with everyone.

'Does anyone want tea? Or coffee?' I ask everyone politely.

However, no one wants any right then.

"No thank you, dear. Come and sit with us," Aunty says, smiling at me.

I smile and nod, making my way over to the sofas. I take a seat in between Maryam and Aunty, and opposite the one and only Zaid. Mum and Hafsa are sitting on the other sofa, on the right side of Aunty.

'So, when will you come over to our home, Zara?' Aunty asks me, smiling.

I chuckle. "Aunty, I went last weekend, to help Hafsa with her notes."

Mum and Aunty laugh. 'Yes, dear, but you don't come over much anymore! It's amazing having you around!' Aww, she's too sweet.

"I will soon, Aunty. I promise." She grins at me.

She then asks me how my side job as a makeup artist and beautician is going.

'It's going good, Aunty. I have a lot of bridal makeup bookings for next month and December, as that is the wedding season. At least I don't have to make excuses for buying lots of makeup now!' I joke.

Everyone laughs. I think everyone in this room, including Zaid, knows about my love for makeup.

"That's great to hear, dear. You do your own makeup so beautifully, too. However, you look stunning also without makeup." Aunty is too sweet for her own good.

'Aunty, thank you! You're so sweet!' I give her a small side hug. She hugs me back, kissing the top of my head.

Mum and Aunty then start talking about the upcoming wedding, and what they are planning on wearing to it. I haven't thought about what I will wear yet, it will probably be a last-minute decision as always.

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