Chapter Fifty-Three

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Zaid's POV

Today is my haldi function. It's the 1st of August, and the wedding week has finally begun. I wake up this morning with a huge smile on my face. As soon as I wake up at 7am, Mum and Hafsa barge into my room, buzzing with excitement.

'Zaid, are you up?' Mum asks me, teasingly.

I sit up in bed and nod, rubbing my eyes. "Yes, Mum. You're awake so early?" I ask in reply. She nods, beaming.

Hafsa grins, rushing over to me and giving me the biggest hug. I chuckle, hugging her back.

'At least let me put my shirt on,' I say, laughing.

She smiles, rolling her eyes. "You're my brother. Get up, and take a shower! I'm so excited for your haldi! I've been awake since 5am, making sure that the preparations and decorations are perfect. Even though the function is in the evening."

I nod, getting out of bed and pulling on a white t-shirt. 'I'll go and shower, and then I'll join you for breakfast. Mum, is Dad awake?'

Mum nods, smiling happily. "Of course he is! He woke up before 6am! He just headed out a few minutes ago, to buy some items from the store. Hurry up, both of you. I'll get breakfast ready." She heads out of the room, leaving me and Hafsa standing in my room.

'Zaid bhai! I'm so excited, you have no idea! I can't wait for Zara to come to our home! Argh! It will be so amazing, right?!' My sister says to me happily.

"Yes, it will be amazing," I reply, a small smile playing on my lips. It will be the best. I can't wait to make Zara my wife on Saturday. Finally.

Hafsa's eyes widen in shock. 'I just realised something. You will be married in less than a week! It's Monday today, and this time on Saturday, we will all be starting to get ready for the wedding!' She has tears in her eyes.

"I know." I can't control the huge grin on my face.

'If someone told me this time last year that you would be getting married in a year's time, I would have laughed in their face. I can't believe it, you're marrying my best friend!" Hafsa's excitement is adorable.

I can't believe it either, Hafsa. I can't believe I got so lucky.

Hafsa gushes with excitement about the haldi ceremony this evening, and how it's going to be so much fun. I talk to her for a few minutes, before heading to my bathroom to take a shower.

After showering, I change into a black t-shirt and faded blue denim jeans. I towel dry my hair, and then roughly brush through it. I send Zara a 'good morning' text like I do everyday, before walking out of my room and going downstairs to have breakfast with my family. In a weeks' time, Zara will also be having breakfast with us every morning. I smile, running a hand through my hair.


I have breakfast with my family, and everyone's very excited and joyful. Mum, Dad and Hafsa have constant smiles on their faces, while chatting enthusiastically and planning the wedding functions. Tomorrow is Zara's haldi function, and I'm sure that she will look absolutely beautiful. She always does.

I will see the love of my life in less than six days time, but I've never felt so impatient. Time is passing too slowly.

Mum has prepared all of my favourite breakfast foods, including pancakes, hash browns and scrambled eggs. I eat breakfast while talking to my family, and then I return to my room for a while.

I grab my laptop and power it on, while looking around my room with a small smile on my face. I'm remembering the time when Zara stayed here a few months ago, with Hafsa. They both slept in my room, because of the power cut. I remember Zara telling me that if this was her bedroom, she would change the colour scheme as it is mainly black and white. She would make it more colourful.

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