Chapter Fifty-Seven

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Zara's POV

'No, wait. We have to go right now?' I ask, making everyone chuckle. I've never felt this nervous in my life. Not even when Zaid made me go on stage for our proposal. Not ever. My legs are shaking.

Layla and Ayesha giggle, winking at me. "Yes! Your husband is waiting patiently for you, and you're asking if you have to go right now? Of course we have to go! How long do you want to keep him waiting?" Layla replies, laughing.

My husband. My cheeks heat up, and my gaze travels to the floor. 'Okay,' I mutter, a small smile playing on my lips.

Ayesha grins at me. "Uncle, she's ready!" Oh, god.

Dad comes over to me, giving me a smile. 'Ready, Zara? Are you ready to go out in front of the world for the first time after your Nikah?'

I glare at him. "Dad, that's not helping! But yes, I'm ready. I guess."

He chuckles, pressing a kiss to the top of my head. 'I love you, Zara.' Mum comes over to me and smiles. She, too, kisses me on the top of my head.

"I love you too, Dad. You too, Mum," I whisper, giving them both small smiles.

My legs are trembling. I don't know how I'm still standing up straight.

Dad holds out his arm, which I take with a shaky smile. Am I ready for this?

Of course I am. I'm more than ready to meet Zaid, but I'm so nervous.

"Dad, don't let me fall, please," I whisper, nervously. The last thing I want is to trip over my own feet in front of the world.

He smiles sadly. 'Never, Zara. I won't let you fall.' His words are filled with emotion, his eyes tearing up slightly.

I swallow hard, and smile. "I know, Dad." My heart is racing at such a speed, that it feels unreal. I hold onto Dad's arm tightly, my hand at the crook of his arm. My other hand is holding my clutch.

The photographer and videographers are blocking the doorway, which is now open. At the end of the hall is Zaid, waiting for me.

The thought sends shivers up my spine and I take a deep breath.

When my bridesmaids (Ayesha and Layla) and my cousins start to walk out of the room and down the aisle, my heartbeat quickens. Very soon, it will be my turn to go. To go and meet Zaid.

A couple of minutes later, the videographers and photographers are back. It's time.

'Start walking slowly, Zara,' the videographer says, giving me a small smile. Oh, my god.

I do as he says, my gaze not lifting from the ground.

Stay calm, my crazy heart.

The entire hall falls silent when I make my entrance with Dad. I can hear faint music playing in the background, but I don't pay any attention to it.

If I look up, I will see Zaid at the other end of the hall. But if only I look up.

"Why is everyone silent?" I ask Dad in a whisper.

He lets out a small chuckle. 'Because they haven't seen such a beautiful bride before. That's why.'

My cheeks tint pink and I tighten my grasp on his arm.

The whispers start, and I blush harder.

She's stunning. She looks like an angel, Zaid is a lucky man.

Zaid will sure go crazy when he sees her more clearly.

Zaid can't take his eyes off her!

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